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INTERVIEW: Jeffrey Prather lays out how Trump, the DoD and Chris Miller DEFEAT the deep state traitors and save America

Jeffrey Prather lays out how Trump, the DoD and Chris Miller DEFEAT th

Jeffrey Prather ( is a former DIA intelligence analyst, former DEA investigations officer, served on the B Team of special operations forces, and is now an intelligence analyst working to save America from its enemies, both foreign and domestic. Since the rigged election took place, Prather has been publishing podcasts that offer analysis of what’s happening behind the scenes in Washington D.C., covering deep state operators, the Dept. of Defense, SOCOM, JSOC, SOF-dark and also looking closely at Trump’s strategy for defeating the deep state.

Like many patriots, Prather has also been targeted for destruction by the deep state, but he survived the attempts and is serving his country now as a civilian analyst with decades of experience of how the system really works.

I was able to connect with Prather yesterday, and we filmed this extremely timely and powerful interview that you definitely don’t want to miss. Some of the highlights from the interview:

  • Confirms that multiple raids on the servers of vote rigging systems were conducted, in three countries.
  • Confirms that the NSA has hard evidence on treasonous actors, and that this evidence is likely being leveraged by Trump’s people.
  • Confirms that Trump can use the NDAA, combined with the Sep. 12, 2018 Executive Order, to declare domestic treasonous actors as “enemy combatants.”
  • Says that the DoD and patriots inside the DIA have everything they need to defeat the deep state.
  • Says Trump will be President on January 21st.
  • Warns that the transition from information warfare to conventional (kinetic) warfare may happen very soon.
  • Warns that the left-wing backlash against Trump’s victory will result in bloodshed that cannot be avoided.
  • Says that Leftists are greatly underestimating the capabilities and resolve of the American people in the context of domestic warfare that’s likely to unfold.
  • Reveals that we aren’t facing a “civil war” but rather unconventional information warfare with elements of kinetic warfare, best suited for Special Operations Forces (SOF).
  • Says that cities may become headquarters / hubs of anti-American enemy forces, which work to exert their influence and control into rural areas.
  • Warns that William Barr (DOJ) is likely to try to criminally indict Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who is described as the “Q” team leader.
  • Reveals that Obama is running a Tactical Operations Center (TOC) near the White House and is commanding “shadow government” forces right now, which likely includes BLM / Antifa terrorist and activist groups.
  • Agrees that “siege warfare” may unfold between left-wing cities and their surrounding rural areas, where rural patriots may be able to interdict supplies to the cities, such as food, fuel, electricity, communications and so on. (This was actually a comment I made, and he agreed with the assessment.)

There’s much more in the interview. Share this everywhere you can:

See my interviews, Situation Update podcasts and emergency update videos at the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon:

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