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Obama Lashes Out At President Trump, Suggests 4 More Years Could Turn US Into Nazi Germany

Obama Lashes Out At President Trump, Suggests 4 More Years

Barack Obama has lashed out at President Trump during a series of private A-list fundraisers for Joe Biden, claiming the president’s “darker impulses” are driving America towards Nazi Germany.

Obama leveled his latest insults during a private virtual event he hosted for VIP donors alongside Hollywood actor George Clooney on Tuesday evening, the New York Times reported.

Obama warned that another four years of the Trump administration and what he described as its ‘darker impulses’ could have dire consequences in the long term.

The endpoint of that we saw in Europe 60 years ago, 70 years ago — what happens when those things get unleashed,’ Obama said, in what is understood to be a reference to Nazi Germany. ‘If you don’t nip that in the bud, bad things can happen. Among the most quote, unquote civilized societies.’ 

Since Trump was elected, Obama has mostly refrained from publicly criticizing his predecessor by name, preferring to slyly insult him using veiled criticisms, however with less than 100 days to go until the November election, the gloves appear to have come off.

Former President Barack Obama lashed out at President Donald Trump
Former President Barack Obama lashed out at President Donald Trump during a private virtual fundraiser for Joe Biden with George Clooney this week.

During a conversation with billionaire Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Obama complained about conservative media and slammed Donald Trump’s support base, saying that it that ‘filters out any contradictory information.’

It’s just glued to Fox News and Breitbart and Limbaugh and just this conservative echo chamber — and so, they’re going to turn out to vote,’ Obama said, according to the Times.

What he has unleashed and what he continues to try to tap into is the fears and anger and resentment of people who, in some cases, really are having a tough time and have seen their prospects, or communities where they left, declining. And Trump tries to tap into that and redirect in nativist, racist, sexist ways,’ he continued.

The former president also admitted he is being kept awake at night by fears of voter suppression and an effort by Trump to question the legitimacy of the election.

The former president also cited fears of voter suppression and an effo
The former president also cited fears of voter suppression and an effort by Trump to question the legitimacy of the election as additional cause for his sleepless nights (Obama and Trump pictured together at his inauguration, January 2017)

DailyMail report: Obama also criticized Trump’s seeming obsession with the preservation of Confederate monuments during the coronavirus pandemic, calling it ‘his number one priority’ which ‘gives you a sense of what this is about’.

Clooney, meanwhile, said this year’s election should be a simple choice for all those at the ballot box come November.

Like, this is easy,’ he said. ‘There’s two candidates here. One claims that our first Black president wasn’t a citizen, and the other was his vice president.

During their event, Obama was routinely interrupted by a dog barking, while Clooney appeared to have the same problem, even accidentally muting himself on occasion.

According to event attendees, after the former president asked him a question, Clooney apologized for the barking and joked that his dogs ‘must be Tea Party members because every time you started talking about Obamacare’ the barking would start. 

The two men also spoke about the difference in the way Trump has dealt with a varying degree of issues compared to that of Biden.

Clooney made the comparison that Biden clearly cares for and stands with the Black Lives Matter protests, while Trump has decried the unrest calling it the work of ‘terrorist organisation’ Antifa. 

Billed as a virtual conversation between Clooney and Obama, the event sold out all tickets ranging from $250 per person all the way up to $250,000.

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