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Pfizer demands “emergency” authorization from FDA for experimental Covid-19 vaccine

Pfizer demands “emergency” authorization from FDA for experimental Cov

After declaring its own experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine to be “safe,” “effective,” and ready to go, drug giant Pfizer is now planning to file for emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In a press release, Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech indicated plans to immediately petition the FDA for fast-tracked approval of its BNT162b2 jab which, if granted, would “potentially enable use of the vaccine in high-risk populations in the U.S. by the middle to end of December 2020.”

With an alleged 95 percent effectiveness rate and “no serious safety concerns,” according to Pfizer, BNT162b2 could be rolled out on a mass scale in a matter of weeks. This would mean that tens of thousands of Americans would get vaccinated just in time for Christmas.

“Filing in the U.S. represents a critical milestone in our journey to deliver a Covid-19 vaccine to the world and we now have a more complete picture of both the efficacy and safety profile of our vaccine,” announced Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in a statement.

Pfizer also seeking emergency approval in the U.K., Canada, Australia, Japan, and much of Europe

To maximize their market share in a race against Moderna, which is also seeking emergency approval for its “safe and effective” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine, Pfizer and BioNTech are likewise pushing to get their jab into foreign countries.

The United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Japan, and a bunch of European countries are all on Pfizer’s wish list, the goal being to saturate the world in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines before Moderna beats it to the punch.

“Over the last two weeks, we’ve seen just unprecedented historic news about vaccines, two vaccines, each with 95 percent efficacy, rivaling the 98 percent efficacy of our measles vaccine,” announced Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force head Alex Azar.

Moderna’s vaccine is actually only 90 percent effective, supposedly, but who really cares about data accuracy when we have emergency vaccines to get approved at warp speed?

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) could not be more thrilled at the news. Fauci insists that this warp speed endeavor did not cut any corners, and that the vaccines will all be perfectly safe and effective, for sure.

“The process of the speed did not compromise at all safety, nor did it compromise scientific integrity,” the elf-like authority declared.

“It was a reflection of the extraordinary scientific advances in these types of vaccines, which allowed us to do things in months that actually took years before.”

Fauci says Big Pharma’s vaccine rush is an “independent” endeavor

Fauci, who is financially invested in the novel antiviral drug remdesivir, further claimed that Operation Warp Speed and the push to manufacture and release Covid-19 vaccines as fast as possible has nothing to do with catering to special interests.

Fauci insists that the program is made up of an “independent body of people who have no allegiance to anyone, not to the administration, not to me, not to the companies, that looked at the data and deemed it to be sound.”

Frustrated that millions of Americans are asking questions about what quite clearly is a sham endeavor, Fauci snapped that people need to “put to rest any concept that this was rushed in an inappropriate way” because the science, he claims, “is really solid.”

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are made from messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which involves reprogramming human DNA to supposedly produce a synthetic immune response to the novel virus.

Other drug companies ramping up to release their own Covid-19 vaccines include AstraZeneca, which is working with the University of Oxford, and Johnson & Johnson.

More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at

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