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Coronavirus testing can be manipulated to make vaccines look more effective

Coronavirus testing can be manipulated to make vaccines look more effe

In the race to develop vaccines against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), a number of pharmaceutical companies are now claiming that they have developed highly effective vaccines. At least one skeptic, however, is raising alarms about this, warning that these companies will fake the success of their vaccines by rigging coronavirus testing.

In an op-ed in the Waking Times, freelance investigative reporter Jon Rappoport says that the whole plan to fast-track Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the vaccines “is a stark fraud.”

Rappoport bases his argument on the fact that the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test used to detect the coronavirus is highly prone to false-positive results. This is supposedly due to the high number of “cycles” – up to 40 –  required by the FDA.

“When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test,” he wrote. “Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of ‘rising COVID case numbers,’” he adds.

Big Pharma claims vaccines are highly effective

Rappoport’s piece comes after Moderna, one of the companies vying to develop a marketable COVID-19 shot, announced that its vaccine is 94.5 percent effective against the coronavirus. This makes it the second vaccine in the U.S. to have a stunningly high success rate. Last week, Pfizer claimed that their vaccine is more than 90 percent effective, according to early data.

“These are obviously very exciting results,” said National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci. “It’s just as good as it gets – 94.5 percent is truly outstanding.”

Fauci stated that vaccinations for high-risk groups could begin in the second half of December, with the shot being made available for the rest of the population next spring.

Moderna got its results on a call on Nov. 15 with members of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board, the independent panel analyzing the company’s trial data.

“It was one of the greatest moments in my life and my career. It is absolutely amazing to be able to develop this vaccine and see the ability to prevent symptomatic disease with such high efficacy,” said Moderna’s chief medical officer Dr. Tal Zaks.

During the company’s vaccine trial, 15,000 study participants were given the vaccine and only five of them developed COVID-19. Notably, all five cases were reported to be mild. According to Moderna, their vaccine did not have any serious side effects apart from a few who reported body aches and headaches.

Moderna says that it plans to apply to the FDA for authorization of its vaccine soon after accumulating more safety data later this month.

Testing protocols can be manipulated to make vaccines seem more effective than they actually are

Rappoport, however, says that the vaccine trials are all part of a con, and that the second con will take place after Moderna and Pfizer gain FDA approval to launch their vaccines. With PCR testing highly prone to manipulation, Rappoport claims it will be easy to make any vaccine seem like a roaring success.

Currently, PCR tests are set to 40 cycles, as per FDA recommendation. With each cycle, genetic elements present in human samples are amplified until they reach easily detectable and quantifiable amounts. But when samples are run above 34 cycles, Rappoport says they’re prone to generate false-positive results.

This is how he believes those who are involved in the fraud will perpetuate the lie that the approved COVID-19 vaccines are successful.

“After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done,” says, Rappoport. “The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the U.S.”

Doing this will result in a significant drop in the number of reported COVID-19 cases, and the decline will then be attributed to the salutatory effect of the vaccine.

While Rappoport’s claims may sound outlandish, reports have come in of independent laboratories noticing high numbers of false-positive coronavirus tests. Considering this, the idea that PCR tests could be manipulated to make the vaccines look more effective seems plausible.

Follow for more on how the federal government and Big Pharma are trying to manipulate data to push for more vaccinations.

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