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Situation Update, Jan 29th – America becomes a terror state as governments wage terror campaigns against their own people

Situation Update, Jan 29th – America becomes a terror state as governm

(Paranormal) In yesterday’s Situation Update podcast, I revealed that all the seemingly insane events of Big Government can best be understood by realizing the globalists are pursuing an active campaign of global genocide against humanity. The order has gone out, and human beings are to be exterminated by the billions. This explains the engineered food scarcity, deadly vaccine injections, engineered bioweapons, deliberate economic collapse and more.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

But people everywhere desire to be free, and populist uprisings are taking place everywhere across the globe, even reaching into the financial sector with the Robinhood / GameStop phenomenon that has made headlines all week.

Because of their ability to communicate through decentralized platforms and electronic means, the populists are winning the war of awakening humanity to the fundamental human right to be free. This groundswell in human awakening — spurred by the junk science and media lies surrounding the plandemic of 2020 — is terrifying the globalists who now realize they are rapidly losing control of the people they seek to enslave.

To try to halt the populist uprisings, governments of the world are turning to terrorism against their own people in the form of psychological terrorism and even kinetic terrorism.

This shift into terror now characterizes the brutal Biden regime, which is already hard at work destroying jobs for American workers and flooding the United States with violent illegal alien criminals. Efforts are also under way to launch a new government police state expansion to spy on the 80+ million people who voted for Trump and aren’t buying the obviously rigged election.

Rest assured that in order to justify the existence of this new police state expansion, the Biden regime will carry out large-scale false flag attacks on U.S. soil to blame conservatives and gun owners while demanding more police state powers to spy on everyone.

Gun confiscation is an important waypoint that globalists see as necessary to achieve depopulation. So the order of events goes like this:

False flag event -> Gun confiscation -> Genocide

The false flag event — which we should expect to see this year — will be used to justify the gun confiscation that disarms the 150+ million Americans that the brutal Biden regime seeks to exterminate with government death squads.

Notably, President Trump refused to use the powers of government to protect Americans from left-wing terrorism, so Joe Biden will be happy to use the powers of government to destroy Americans using government-sponsored terrorism. This means America, under Biden, has become a state sponsor of domestic terrorism targeting its own voters.

In other words, the swamp see voters as the enemy. And that’s why they had to separate the voters from the capitol building using razor wire and fences that look like a scene ripped right out of Third Reich holocaust camp.

Three black swan events that might disrupt Biden and his coming reign of terror against Americans

As far as we know, there are only three things that can prompt the military to remove Biden from power due to his acts of sedition, corruption and treason against the United States:

  1. A domestic nuclear attack on a major U.S. city using dirty bombs or nuclear detonations, both of which were threatened to be used against Trump by the deep state. The most likely originators of dirty bombs or nuclear bombs in the US are Democrats, deep staters and globalists. The FBI is no doubt trying to recruit scapegoats for this scenario right now. Think about who has access to uranium: Mueller, Clinton, Brennan, etc. (Read up on the Uranium One scandal.)
  2. A cascading debt collapse that obliterates most of the value of US stocks, which would cause a collapse in pension funds, retirement investments and equities held by tens of millions of Americans.
  3. War with China. This war looks increasingly likely to occur, and China is engaged in sabre rattling against Taiwan, while the outgoing Trump administration labeled China a nation engaged in “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” Under Trump, the US dropped its “one-China policy” and recognized Taiwan as an independent nation.

After any of these three possible black swan events, we anticipate regional warfare and horrific chaos. This era will be characterized by utter lawlessness, violence, arson, looting, food shortages, gun battles and basically every nightmare scenario you can imagine.

When this scenario occurs, anyone stuck in a blue city can basically kiss their chances of survival goodbye. America’s cities will be turned into death zones.

Biden’s popularity under such circumstances would, of course, plummet well below 30%, and the US military would obviously have the justification it needs to step in, remove the illegitimate pretender-in-chief Biden and work to restore the rule of law in America, which would require holding new, honest elections using paper ballots.

These topics and more are covered in today’s Situation Update podcast:

Barring some breaking emergency, there will not be a new podcast on Saturday or Sunday. (I am busy prepping for what’s coming, just like you…)

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