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Situation Update, Jan 2nd – The Big Reveal … How Trump will change history on January 6th

Situation Update, Jan 2nd – The Big Reveal … How Trump will change his

(Paranormal) Today’s Situation Update for January 2nd covers the “big reveal” that President Trump has announced for January 6th. On this day, Trump’s team will present information to Congress before they vote on the contested slates of electors from the swing states where massive election fraud occurred.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

What will this “big reveal” consist of? We know it’s something that has never been presented previously in a court case, nor to the public. The possibilities are endless: Jeffrey Epstein bombshells? Declassified intelligence on China’s financial payments to the Biden crime family? Smoking gun proof that Dominion machines rigged the election? There are even rumors that two intelligence agencies for other nations have proof of election fraud and are handing it over to Trump.

Whatever gets presented, Trump believes it will change the outcome of the vote on January 6th. That means it would have to be truly historic, because Democrats aren’t going to vote for Trump in a contested election unless they are absolutely forced to.

We’ve even speculated that some members of Congress might resign on the spot after seeing this evidence. Others might face arrest for their complicity in the crimes that have been committed against America.

Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update podcast:

  • Sidney Powell confirms VP Pence has the sole power to choose which set of electors to honor.
  • A new strategy might be pursued by Pence: Announce he will resign from politics, then choose the electors for Trump, eliminating any conflict of interest that could be invoked if he stayed in office. Will he do this?
  • Giuliani vows to expose GA Gov. Brian Kemp, who should face arrest and prosecution.
  • Roger Stone and Wayne Allen Root both say Trump has something up his sleeve… sound like Trump. He always has a plan to WIN.
  • Dan Scavino posts “GAME ON” meme, with Pence in the doorway between darkness and light.
  • US district judge dismisses Gohmert’s lawsuit for lack of standing, revealing that NO court in America will hear any case on election fraud. This apparently means that any party can commit unlimited fraud from here forward, and no court will intervene.
  • Possible strategy: Pence could call for an evidentiary hearing on Jan 6th, which could last several days and force Congress and the public to see all the evidence that Big Tech and the fake news media has been covering up.
  • On Jan 6th, any member of Congress who votes for the Biden slate of fraudulent electors is admitting to complicity in treason and may face arrest and prosecution.
  • Lin Wood goes off on Mike Pence, claiming Pence is a traitor who might be arrested in the next few days, then adding that Pence should be prosecuted and executed for treason. We wonder where Wood is coming from on this… does he know something that we don’t? Or did someone else hack his account and post this?
  • New list of traitorous US political leaders revealed by The National Pulse: These people took money, trips, dinners or “cultural” propaganda freebies from the CCP. Huge list of members of Congress and state lawmakers and bureaucrats.
  • Patrick Byrne teases another big bombshell of runaway criminality by election fraudsters in Georgia.
  • Georgia Governor and Sec. of State order the mass destruction of fake ballots, trying to destroy evidence as quickly as possible before they both get arrested and prosecuted.
  • Reminder to all listeners to make lists of all the traitors because they will all try to delete their online histories and hide once the Trump victory become apparent.
  • Why every Big Tech company CEO should be arrested and charged with treason. They are still censoring and won’t stop until the government forces them to stop.
  • 2021 predictions from James Howard Kunstler with additional comments about what’s coming in 2021.
  • Antifa vandalizes Pelosi’s home, proving the Dems have created an uncontrollable monster that will sooner or later need to be dealt with by the United States Marine Corps.
  • California working to pass a law to fine people $1,000 for posting any content that disagrees with the left-wing “fact checkers,” who are of course complete liars.

Listen to the full podcast here:

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