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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » Paranormal News » 2020 » Rugsėjo » 9

Tens of Thousands of Christians Rise Up Against Gov. Newsom and Worship at State Capitol

Tens of thousands of Christians of all races and backgrounds gathered in the sweltering heat to defy California Gov. Gavin Newsom and exercise their constitutional right to worship Jesus Christ at the state capitol building in Sacramento, California.

The Christians did so in defiance of Democrat Gov. Newsom, the man responsible for shutting down many churches across the state and banning worship services.

The Christians had a simple message for Gov. Newsom — “America was founded on the freedom to worship” and nobody is going to take that right away from us.

The Sacramento Bee, a liberal newspaper, noted that most of those attending were not wearing masks and they were not in compliance with Gov. Newsom’s mandates.

But the Christians were not there to please the mainstream media or Gov. Newsom. They were there to hold a service and worship Jesus.

The huge gathering had one message for Gov. Newsom: “Let us worship!”

The huge gathering had one message for Gov. Newsom: “Let us worship!”

The State Capitol Building provided the backdrop as tens of thousands

The State Capitol Building provided the backdrop as tens of thousands of Christians demanded their right to freedom to worship.

Christians who have been denied the right to worship at services descr

Christians who have been denied the right to worship at services described the day as “beautiful” and “powerful”.

ToddStarnes reports:

America was founded on the freedom to worship,” said Sean Feucht, organizer of the ‘Let Us Worship’ rally.

Politicians can write press releases. They can make threats. They can shut down parks. They can put up fences. But they can’t stop the Church of Christ from worshipping the One True God.

Among those attending the rally was State Sen. Shannon Grove, a Republican from Bakersfield.

We are gonna worship like we’ve never worshiped before, and I declare that after all of this is over tonight, the remnant, the residue of this worship will saturate this ground and seep into that building,” Grove told the gathering.

And when it goes into that building, it will touch every heart that enters. God bless you, let us worship!”

The Sacramento Bee noted that Grove had been forbidden from attending the gathering because the Republicans were supposed to be quarantined due to a China virus scare.

God bless these great Bible-believing patriots in California!

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