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The Haunted Prospect Place In Ohio

The Haunted Prospect Place In Ohio

There have been many accounts related to the hauntings of Prospect Place in Trinway, Ohio. Noted as one of the most haunted places in Ohio, this elegant structure once served as one of the “stations” of protection during the time of the Underground Railroad that worked to deliver slaves to freedom.

While it has been most noted as being “Prospect Place”, many will refer to it as “George Willison Adams House”. Today, it mysteriously stands and seems to hold a portal to the paranormal.

It is said that, at one point in history, a “bounty hunter” for slaves arrived at Prospect Place. This individual demanded that the ever-popular G.W Adams release all of the slaves that he possessed.

This individual speaking to Adams intended to do the slaves harm. G. W Adams was not going for that! He quickly pulled out a weapon and pursued in a fight with the man. Eventually, numerous slaves came to assist Adams with their own weapons.

It was then that the stranger left. It is rumored that the slaves pursued him, and then murdered him in the barn. It is also believed, to this day, that the evil, angry spirit of the bounty hunter remains in that barn. Many have felt an evil presence, fear, and even like someone or something are touching them!

During the time of the Underground Railroad, many slaves who were in search of freedom stayed in the basement of Prospect Place. It seems that one of the slaves experienced an injury to the head area on her way here.

Prospect Place mansion as it appeared in the 1866 epigraphic survey of

Prospect Place mansion as it appeared in the 1866 epigraphic survey of southeastern Ohio.

Naturally, everyone who resided in the home tried to nurse her back to health, but she passed away. Now, it is said that she still resides in the basement area. She is actually considered to be quite friendly, and seems to overlook and protect the home. Many who have had supernatural experiences with this particular spirit have said that she almost seems like a “happy” spirit.

William Cox married the first daughter of G.W Adams, Anna. He came from a family with a lot of wealth and finer luxuries. Once Prospect Place was left to him and his wife, he renovated a lot of the building.

Eventually, he boarded a train to visit another city for business. He and another man checked into a hotel, then left the following morning. To this day, he has not been found. Many believe that seeing that he left Anna with so many hardships to ensure once he was gone that his spirit roams the house trying to find a way to apologize and request forgiveness.

What people who have been there say

On the Tripadvisor website there are many stories of people who encountered the paranormal in this house. Here is one of them:

“The house was haunted, active, alive, absorbing our energy, responding with incredible results. My team and I investigated this place. We had seen it on Ghost Adventures. Approaching the mansion is a walk back into history, rich with conflict, pain, sorrow, courage and death.

“During our investigation, I offered whatever energy I had to the residual residents so they could provide some sign that they were present and attentive. My team offered theirs as well. We continued on through the house and shortly after, we were collectively drained of our energy.

The Haunted Prospect Place In Ohio

“We had never felt or experienced this kind of drain before and we’ve investigated many locations for many hours. It made us become almost comatose with exhaustion. We decided to venture into the basement and were amazed at the shadow activity.

“In dim light, after taking 15-20 minutes to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness, our entire team witness shadow figures like nothing we’ve ever encountered. The shadows moving across and up and down the hallway were highly visible as they blotted out the only source of light at the end of the corridor.

“Many were at the end of the hallway, while others almost seemed to pass directly in front of us. It was at this time when a female team member was touched and her shirt pulled from behind.

“The activity continued for almost an hour. When it began to subside, we continued our investigation. All in all, we feel that PPlace is well worth returning to for another investigation. It’s truly an amazing place.”

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