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Trump Jr. Slams ‘Killary’ For Staying Silent Over Claims That Bill Clinton Visited Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’

Trump Jr. Slams ‘Killary’ For Staying Silent Over Claims That Bill Cli

Donald Trump Jr has called out Hillary Clinton for “staying silent” about the allegations that her husband Bill visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ with two young girls.

Trump Jr slammed Mrs Clinton on Twitter and Instagram last weekend. He also called out the media for its double standards and hypocrisy in not reporting more on the issue

The Sun reports: Trump Jr retweeted a news article reporting on recently unsealed court documents alleging that former president Bill Clinton went to the island with “two young girls,” and captioned the tweet: “Not hearing much of the usual sanctimonious bs from Killary today. Wonder why?”

One day after, he posted a print screen of the tweet to his Instagram account with a lengthy caption.

Jr wrote: “I’m wondering why this isn’t a bigger story myself. I see the two pictures of my father and this sick b***ard plastered all over the news every day.

“They are too wealthy guys from New York that ended up at the same party WOW SHOCKING! that’s where they live that’s what happens, but strangely the media will do anything to protect Bill Clinton and the other celebs that used to party and hang out with this guy all the time go to his shady island etc.

“That somehow is not newsworthy and it’s bulls**t. I also strangely never hear the fact that about 20 years ago [Epstein] was thrown out of Mar-a-Lago and told not to come back because allegations of his behavior surfaced.

“That is a long time ago and way before anyone else was onto this sicko but no mention of that… (I wonder why) and yet all the celebs that Epstein hung out with as recently as two or three years ago get a total pass (some like big name journalists and other celebs even hung out with him after he was a convicted pedophile) and we get fricken crickets form [sic] everyone of that.

“I think Ricky Gervais got it right about Hollywood. They were all friends with this guy.”

On Friday, a Clinton spokesperson told Newsweek that the former president has “never been to Little St. James Island.”

In unsealed legal documents, accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre allegedly claims Clinton was a guest at Epstein’s private island in the US Virgin Islands.

Epstein joked about Clinton being in his pocket, she allegedly claimed in a conversation with her lawyers.

The DailyBeast reported Giuffre told the lawyer: “I remember asking Jeffrey what’s Bill Clinton doing here [on the island].”

According to a transcript of the conversation, Giuffre said Epstein laughed and said: “Well, he owes me a favour.

“He never told me what favours they were,” Giuffre said.

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