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It’s not just the elderly: 19-year-old in hospital ICU after second dose of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine

It’s not just the elderly: 19-year-old in hospital ICU after second

One of the more serious issues with the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines is their propensity to cause inflammation of the cardiovascular system. The vaccine causes an antigen-specific immune response that may additionally cause an inflammatory immune response along the endothelial lining of blood vessels. If natural viral antigens are present in the endothelial lining of blood vessels at the time of vaccination, the recipient’s immune system may be forced to attack the body’s own cardiovascular system, leading to inflammation and potential cardiovascular events. The damage is more often observed in the elderly, but young people are not immune to this type of vaccine injury. In fact, a healthy 19-year-old was admitted to the ICU after the second dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine caused inflammation of his heart muscle (myocarditis).

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

Young, healthy man suffers from myocarditis five days after second dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine

The Terem emergency medical clinic in Israel has not confirmed that the vaccine was the sole cause of the sudden and unexpected inflammation of the man’s heart. While medical authorities are slow to confirm the culprit, the severe injury occurred immediately after vaccination, and he was diagnosed with myocarditis only five days after the vaccination. This 19-year-old man was also a previously healthy individual, and had no history of cardiovascular issues. He is not alone. The US National Institutes of Health has reported multiple cases of myocarditis after covid-19 vaccination.

Dr. Abdulhadi Farojeh, a Terem medical director, said that the young man’s symptoms started immediately after the vaccination, but he wasn’t hospitalized with full blown myocarditis until five days later. After receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA inoculation, the young man experienced an accelerated heartbeat, shortness of breath and sharp pains in his left arm. Terem’s Dr. Badarnih Bahaa confirmed the sudden reaction. Blood tests confirmed that the man’s heart was severely inflamed.

The doctors are suspicious that the vaccine caused an inflammatory reaction in the young man’s body. After receiving treatment, the young man was transferred to Shamir Medical Center in Tzrifin for further treatment and evaluation. If myocarditis is left untreated, it can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. 

Spontaneous cardiovascular events could become an issue long after vaccination

As the Pfizer vaccine’s unique mRNA sequence continues to encode for spike proteins in the cells throughout the body, a precarious situation is created. If a person is infected by natural coronaviruses in the future, the immune system will likely attack these cells with aggression, causing inflammation in the areas of the body where coronaviruses attach. Because SARS-CoV-2 readily targets humans through the vascular endothelium through the ACE-2 receptor, vaccine recipients are at risk of developing cardiovascular inflammation and complications long after they are vaccinated. The new mRNA technology trains the body’s cells to produce the spike proteins, but it is unknown how long the cells will continue this simulation. Complications like myocarditis and thromboembolism (formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel), could occur long after vaccination if the person is later exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and it permeates the vascular endothelium.

Is this the reason why health authorities around the world are warning the recently vaccinated population to continue wearing multiple masks and avoiding other people? Why aren’t health authorities more forthcoming about this serious vaccine injury? Better yet, why does this sordid scientific experiment continue to receive emergency authorization around the world?

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