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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2017 » Gruodžio » 01
Near the Sun found “an alien ship the size of Jupiter” (1)
01.12.2017, 21:00
Near the Sun found “an alien ship the size of Jupiter”
On youtube-channel Paranormal Crucible a new video appeared, in which it is assumed that there is a huge anomalous object on the video recording near the Sun. In the video, the object is called the mother ship of aliens. The video was filmed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) observatory.
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Astronomers predicted the future of interstellar asteroid Oumuamua
01.12.2017, 19:59
Astronomers predicted the future of interstellar asteroid Oumuamua

Scientists from the Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant modeled the motion of the asteroid, who arrived in the solar system from the stellar association of the constellation Kiel. The analysis revealed that the age of the object is estimated in billions of years, and it spent about 45 million years on the movement from the previous stellar “station” to the Sun.

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