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Boxer Who Beat 77-Yr-Old Veteran Was Moved to Nursing Home Because He Had Coronavirus

Boxer Who Beat 77-Yr-Old Veteran Was Moved

The boxer arrested on Friday for beating a 77-year-old veteran to a bloody pulp, was moved into the Michigan nursing home by authorities because he had coronavirus, according to reports.

Numerous disturbing videos circulating on social media show a black Michigan man and an elderly white woman and elderly white man in a nursing home.

Jaydon Hayden filmed himself beating white elderly nursing home patients for his own sick entertainment.

There were a total of three videos on Bitchute showing the deranged lunatic beating these helpless elderly folk until they were bleeding. reports: Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton said the watchdog group contacted authorities after he was alerted to the disturbing videos.

“This was also posted on my Twitter feed and Judicial Watch contacted authorities who then, in response to our concern, arrested this person. Thanks to those who helped us get this done.” Tom Fitton said.

Tom Fitton said according to his sources, the man was arrested.

On Friday FOX 2 Detroit in Michigan spoke with the father of the Jaydon Hayden after his arrest.

The father said his son is not vicious, but that he just has mental health issues.

And the father then said this, “He said his son called 911 and was taken to a mental health facility in Ann Arbor. Last Wednesday, he was diagnosed with COVID-19 and said he was supposed to be taken to another facility to be quarantined.

The father added, “It should’ve never happened because he should’ve never been put in that environment.”

Did you get that?

Authorities — following the orders of Governor Gretchen Whitmer — moved the young man to a nursing home to recover from COVID-19.

They moved 20-year-old Jaydon Hayden to the nursing home just last week.

According to his father, Jaydon Hayden was moved to the nursing home because he had COVID-19.

This tells us that Governor Whitmer is STILL sending COVID-19 patients to NURSING HOMES.

So not only was Jayden BEATING nursing home patients but he was spreading the coronavirus in the same nursing home.

The Attorney for the Westwood Nursing Center says they were not aware of the beating until they saw the video?

The attorney added that Jayden was not a long-term resident.

Well, that’s good!

And there’s more…

According to the 75-year-old victim is a US veteran.

And according to WXYZ Jaydon was moved the hospital last Wednesday.

The assault on the elderly man took place LAST FRIDAY!

And police did not arrest Jaydon until yesterday — a week later — at that same nursing home!

Jaydon Hayden beat the hell out of the seniors and was still in the facility a week later!


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