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Former FBI special agent discovers trove of illegal absentee votes in Georgia

Former FBI special agent discovers trove of illegal absentee votes in

More than 57,000 people who no longer live in Georgia may have illegally participated in the state’s 2020 election, according to former FBI Special Agent Derek Somerville.

After a painstaking analysis of the 580,226 registered Georgia voters who submitted a U.S. Postal Service mail-forwarding change of address request at least 30 days prior to the Nov. 3 election, Somerville identified a whopping 57,793 absentee votes that were cast by people who live elsewhere – meaning they no longer qualify to vote in Georgia.

Somerville says that at least 57,793 Georgia voters cast their vote in a county that is different from the one where they had previously instructed the USPS to forward their mail. Of these, 43,507, or 75 percent, did not vote in person on election day.

Of the 57,793 absentee votes that Somerville identified, 17,514 had asked the USPS to forward their mail out of state to non-APO / DPO / FPO military addresses. Eighty-nine percent of these individuals are over the age of 25, meaning they are probably not college students.

To clarify, the 57,793 absentee ballots that Somerville identified may not all have been folks who moved out of Georgia. Rather, some of them may have simply moved to another location in Georgia. But a sizeable chunk did move out of state, which suggests that tens of thousands of Georgia votes may have been illegally cast.

“With few exceptions, a person submits a USPS Change of Address request because they have permanently moved and want their mail rerouted to their new address,” Somerville says.

“Under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), states may use that USPS Change of Address request to ‘identify registrants who may have changed residences’ and ‘remove the registrant from the voter rolls after satisfying all requirements of the [NVRA].'”

For more related news about election fraud, check out

Mail-in ballot fraud was an important tool for Democrats to steal the election

Again, not all of these 57,793 votes are necessarily illegitimate. Some of them were for Republicans while others were for Democrats. At the same time, all of them constitute votes that were cast in a Georgia county where the voter no longer lives.

Somerville says that We the People need to demand that officials investigate all 57,793 votes to determine which ones are legitimate and which ones are not. Whichever ones are deemed invalid must then be removed from the tally, including from the upcoming Senate run-off.

As an example of why these ballots all need to be investigated, consider what happened with many people this year who moved out of state and requested mail forwarding. If those same people also requested a ballot that was forwarded to them out of state, they were potentially able to vote in another state’s election undetected.

This is the problem with mail-in voting, of course, as it ended up sending ballots all over the place to people who no longer live where they are still registered to vote. If only in-person voting was allowed, then voting from out of state would have been impossible, leading to far fewer cases of fraud.

As we have been warning, mail-in ballots were never about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), despite what the Democrats claimed. They were always about making it easier to cheat, which is exactly what the Democrats did.

“This was done by ONE retired agent,” noted one commenter at The Right Scoop. “Imagine what we could uncover if the FBI would ever report for duty.”

If you would like to aid in the fight for a free and fair election, you can also check out Sidney Powell’s Defending the Republic website, which contains information and links to support the cause.

Sources for this article include:

by: Ethan Huff

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