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Baseball legend Hank Aaron dies two weeks after receiving coronavirus vaccinate during publicity stunt

Baseball legend Hank Aaron dies two weeks after receiving coronavirus

(Paranormal) On Jan. 5, Major League Baseball (BLM) legend and Hall of Famer Henry Louis “Hank” Aaron publicly took a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine during a stunt aimed at persuading more African-Americans to get injected. A little more than two weeks later, Aaron died right on cue.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The reason this writer says “on cue” is because there is now a clear and undeniable pattern of elderly people – Aaron was 86 years old when he died – passing away roughly two weeks after getting injected with Chinese poison.

Aaron was among the first major figures to be injected as part of the Donald Trump-launched “Operation Warp Speed” program for fast-tracked mass vaccination against the WuFlu. Aaron had previously told the media that he was excited about getting jabbed.

“It makes me feel wonderful,” Aaron told the Associated Press (AP) right before getting poisoned with a Chinese needle. “I don’t have any qualms about it at all … I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this … It’s just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.”

The Atlanta Braves legend and one-time home run king’s official cause of death has not yet been reported by the mainstream media, which is presumably working overtime to scrub from existence all evidence that the guy was recently injected with gene editing messenger RNA (mRNA) chemicals at warp speed.

If you choose to get vaccinated for coronavirus, you’re asking to die

While wearing his face mask incorrectly on camera, Aaron wanted his injection broadcasted to the world in order to encourage more folks, especially black folks, to get vaccinated.

Aaron appeared at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta along with his wife Billye, where he received the first of what would have been two doses of Moderna’s DNA-corrupting Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Interestingly, California halted its statewide Moderna vaccine injection program after a “disturbing number” of serious adverse reactions were observed. Just days later, the Moderna vaccination drive was quickly resumed.

Civil rights leader Andrew Young and former U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary Louis Sullivan were both vaccinated with the Moderna jab alongside Aaron at the Morehouse facility.

Many black people across the nation are choosing to forego Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination because they keenly recall the Tuskegee experiment of the 1930s and other eugenics programs that have been utilized throughout history to try to exterminate “people of color.”

“The federal government essentially lied to Black people for decades – telling them they were getting free health care, when in fact they received horrifically improper care so the U.S. Public Health Service could secretly study the effects of syphilis when untreated,” revealed TMZ about the Tuskegee experiment.

Nothing has changed, of course, except for the fact that today’s eugenics programs are aimed at pretty much everyone, light-skinned people included.

The AP conducted a survey back in December showing that upwards of 40 percent of black people will not be getting a China virus vaccine. Hopefully after seeing Aaron die and connecting the dots, many more will say no to the poison needles and embrace natural remedies as a safe and effective alternative.

“Everybody line up like good little sheep and get your NOW (new world order) Wuhan virus vaccine!” wrote one NoQreport commenter pointing out the absurdity of it all. “Everybody step right up and get an untested vaccine to combat a virus that kills .01% of people under 60!!! Don’t be shy, step right up!”

Another pointed out that Aaron’s death serves as more ammunition for Americans to reject any attempt at making Wuhan vaccines mandatory in order to buy, sell and travel.

To learn more about how Chinese virus jabs are injuring and killing people in droves, check out

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