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Oklahoma Cannibals Arrested For Running Castration Clinic Endorse Biden For President

Oklahoma Cannibals Arrested For Running Castration Clinic Endorse Bide

Two alleged cannibals who were arrested this week for running a black market “castration clinic” in Oklahoma have endorsed Democrat nominee Joe Biden for president.

Earlier this week, the happily married couple – Bobby Lee Allen, 53, and Thomas Evans Gates, 42 – were arrested after they botched a “surgical procedure” at their illegal castration clinic located in the backwoods of eastern Oklahoma.

After interviewing the patient who voluntarily sought out the surgery, and following a search of the pair’s property, authorities discovered that Allen and Gates – who ran the clinic under the online name “The Eunuch Maker” – allegedly saved the discarded body parts (a.k.a. testicles) of their clients in a deep freezer for possible human consumption.

Yeah, that’s right. They would allegedly eat the discarded human testicles.

When they weren’t allegedly devouring human testicles, the married couple were busy on social media endorsing the Biden/Harris ticket. This is one endorsement Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could probably have done without.

Here are some grisly details via The Oklahoman:

The 28-year-old victim had flown from Virginia to Dallas and then was driven to the cabin in southeast Oklahoma for the surgery, a sheriff’s deputy reported in a court affidavit. The victim had made contact with Allen through a website while searching online about castrations and related terms.

The victim reported Allen claimed to have 15 years of experience and that he “videos the procedures for personal use,” according to the affidavit. The victim also reported “Allen told him that the surgery wouldn’t cost him anything.”

The victim told investigators that Allen performed the removal Oct. 12 on a covered makeshift table at the residence and that Gates helped by handing over the surgical equipment, according to the affidavit. The victim said he was awake for the two-hour surgery after being injected “in the needed areas.”

The victim “stated that after the surgery was over that Allen said that he was going to consume the parts and laughed and said that he was a cannibal,” according to the affidavit. The victim also said that Allen then talked about “the time he worked on someone that he described to be crazy and that he left the male opened up to die overnight.”…

He told medical personnel that the two men “tried to get him to participate in cannibalism,” according to the affidavit.

In all fairness to Allen, what surgeon hasn’t joked around with a patient and told them they’re going to eat their body parts following a surgery? That’s Bedside Manner 101!

“Okay, slowly count backward from 10. Also, would you prefer we sautee the gallbladder, or toss it in the slow cooker?”

If you want, you can read all the disturbing details about the case over at The Oklahoman.

But if you’re really brave or bored, and don’t want to wait for a Netflix documentary about them, you should check out Allen and Gates’ totally public Facebook pages. Allen’s has the most content.

From vacation pics…

To cringey photos of how their mysterious sausages get made:

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