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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Spalio » 17
Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked
17.10.2020, 13:04
Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked
This leak from the inner circles of the Canadian government, if true, confirms all of our worst fears. They plan to use the COVID hoax as a pretext to destroy the economy and put everyone in the world under lockdown unless they accept the vaccine.
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Krafinai - Pyragėliai Iš Mielinės Sluoksniuotos Tešlos
17.10.2020, 12:59
Krafinai - pyragėliai iš mielinės sluoksniuotos tešlos
Krafinus buvo sukūrti amerikiečių - tai yra tarpinis variantas tarp keksiukų (angliškai muffins) bei prancūziškųjų pyragėlių kruasanų (croissant).
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Burbuliniai Vafliai Nuo Cukrinės Lapės
17.10.2020, 13:04
Burbuliniai Vafliai Nuo Cukrinės Lapės
Šį kartą tenka pripažinti, kad dėl šių burbulinių vaflių recepto atsiradimas yra kalta "Lidl" parduotuvė. Viskas atsitiko tik dėl to, kad būtent šioje parduotuvėje už visiškai nedidelę kainą pamačiau pirkti burbulinių vaflių keptuvę ir aišku nusipirkau. Tai tikrai nėra parduotuvės reklama ar kažkokios prekės, todėl neskelbsiu nei kainos nei nuotraukos. Tiesiog tikrai įvykusi istorija.
Skaityk toliau
Columbia Professor: Reality Is A Simulation With 50% Probability
17.10.2020, 13:04
Columbia Professor: Reality Is A Simulation With 50% Probability
Scientist-astronomer David Kipping from Columbia University came to the conclusion that our reality with a probability of 50 percent is a simulation, reports Scientific American.
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The Case When Computer Electrocuted A Chess Master For Winning
17.10.2020, 13:04
The Case When Computer Electrocuted A Chess Master For Winning

In 1989 the computer literally electrocuted chess player Nikolai Gudkov for winning 3x in a row.

Skaityk toliau
911 Operators Share Their Most Disturbing Calls
17.10.2020, 12:52
911 Operators Share Their Most Disturbing Calls
Working as a 911 dispatcher means having to have a steady head on your shoulders at all times. At any moment someone could call with their life on the line, hanging on to every word you say. Fortunately, most calls are handled with a calm demeanor. Then there are those calls haunting you, leaving you with nightmares to discuss for years to come.
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Time Travelers: Journeys Into The Past And Future
17.10.2020, 12:59
Time Travelers: Journeys Into The Past And Future
Time machines might only be available in the movies, yet many people have experienced unexplained events that seem to be temporary but very real slips into the past and the future.
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Giuliani: SICKENING Photo’s on Hunter Biden’s Laptop Will ‘Shock the H
17.10.2020, 13:04
Giuliani: SICKENING Photo’s on Hunter Biden’s Laptop Will ‘Shock the Hell Out of You’
President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has warned that the unreleased photographs on Hunter Biden’s laptop will likely shock the American public to their very core.
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Japan Expected To Dump Over 1 Million Tons of Radioactive Fukushima Wa
17.10.2020, 12:52
Japan Expected To Dump Over 1 Million Tons of Radioactive Fukushima Water Into Sea
The Japanese government is reportedly planning to dump more than one million tons of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean.
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President Trump Says He Will NOT Make Coronavirus Vaccine Mandatory
17.10.2020, 13:56
President Trump Says He Will NOT Make Coronavirus Vaccine Mandatory
President Trump said he would not issue a mandate for a coronavirus vaccine when a jab becomes available.
Skaityk toliau
Pinpointing the 'silent' mutations that gave the coronavirus an evolut
17.10.2020, 12:59
Pinpointing the 'silent' mutations that gave the coronavirus an evolutionary edge
We know that the coronavirus behind the COVID-19 crisis lived harmlessly in bats and other wildlife before it jumped the species barrier and spilled over to humans.
Skaityk toliau
Researchers develop tool to better predict treatment course for lung
17.10.2020, 13:04
Researchers develop tool to better predict treatment course for lung cancer
Personalized treatment options for patients with lung cancer have come a long way in the past two decades. For patients with non-small cell lung cancer, the most common subtype of lung cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related
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Nudges combined with machine learning triples advanced care conversati
17.10.2020, 12:59
Nudges combined with machine learning triples advanced care conversations among patients with cancer
An electronic nudge to clinicians—triggered by an algorithm that used machine learning methods to flag patients with cancer who would most benefit from a conversation around end-of-life goals—tripled the rate of those ...
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Drug repurposing: Researchers find existing medications may fight coro
17.10.2020, 12:52
Drug repurposing: Researchers find existing medications may fight coronavirus infection
University of New Mexico researchers who combed through a "library" of previously approved drugs believe they have identified a medication with the potential to help speed a patient's recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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