18.10.2020, 15:11
China first finds live coronavirus samples on frozen fish packaging
The Chinese authorities have reported the first case of detecting live coronavirus samples on frozen food packaging. The virus was discovered during an investigation into the cause of a local outbreak in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, eastern China, according to a statement from the PRC’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Saturday evening.
Skaityk toliau
18.10.2020, 09:49
Bizarre Case Of Kirkby Timeslip
After a century of speculation, gravitational waves were finally detected by physicists last September, and the momentous discovery proves once and for all that timewarps are a real phenomenon and not just something used by science fiction writers as a plot device.
Skaityk toliau
18.10.2020, 15:11
Obuolių pyragas su riešutais
Iš pradžių įkaitiname orkaitę iki 180 laipsnių temperatūros. Kekso formą išklojame su kepimo popieriumi. Tuomet persijojame miltus, kepimo miltelius, kardamoną bei druską. Kitame dubenyje sumaišome obuolius su citrinos žievele bei sultimis.
Skaityk toliau
18.10.2020, 14:30
Viral 'molecular scissor' is next COVID-19 drug target
American and Polish scientists, reporting Oct. 16 in the journal Science Advances, laid out a novel rationale for COVID-19 drug design—blocking a molecular "scissor" that the virus uses for virus production and to disable human proteins crucial to the immune response.
Skaityk toliau
18.10.2020, 14:30
Study explains the process that exacerbates multiple sclerosis
People with multiple sclerosis (MS) gradually develop increasing functional impairment. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now found a possible explanation for the progressive course of the disease in mice and how it can be reversed. The study, which is published in Science Immunology, can prove valuable to future treatments.
Skaityk toliau