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Portuguese nurse dies after receiving coronavirus vaccine

Portuguese nurse dies after receiving coronavirus vaccine

(Paranormal) A 41-year-old pediatric nurse from Portugal dropped dead not long after being injected with the first dose of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Reportedly in “perfect health” prior to getting jabbed, Sonia Azevedo, a mother who worked as a surgical assistant at the Instituto Portugues de Oncologia cancer hospital in Porto, was one of 538 healthcare workers at her facility who received the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech China virus jab on Dec. 30.

The day after receiving her shot, New Year’s Eve, Azevedo had dinner with her family. The following morning, Azevedo was found dead in her bed, which was a total shock to everyone who knew her and the prior state of her health.

“I want to know what caused my daughter’s death,” stated her father Abilio to the Portuguese tabloid Orreio da Manha.

According to Abilio, his daughter was “well and happy,” and “never drank alcohol” and “didn’t eat anything special or out of the ordinary.”

Initially, Azevedo was so proud to have been among the first to receive the vaccine that she took a picture of herself and made it her Facebook profile picture, along with the words: “Covid-19 vaccinated.”

“We don’t know what happened,” Azevedo’s daughter, Vania Figueiredo, also told the paper. “It all happened quickly and with no explanation.”

“I didn’t notice anything different in my mother,” Figueiredo added. “She was fine. She just said that the area where she had been vaccinated hurt, but that’s normal.”

According to the hospital, Azevedo “had not suffered any adverse side effects after being vaccinated.” But as noted by at least one Twitter user, death is a pretty serious adverse side effect.

Denmark, U.K. both consider delaying second dose of Pfizer jab due to safety concerns

Thus far, the Pfizer-BioNTech WuFlu vaccine is the only one to have been given emergency use authorization by the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that it has been cleared for widespread use by the United Nations and other transnational health bodies.

In a statement, Azevedo’s hospital offered its “sincere condolences” to her family and friends, adding that “[t]he explanation of the cause of death will follow the usual procedures in these circumstances.”

Portugal, which has a population of around 10 million, has reported some 427,000 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) thus far. More than 7,100 deaths have been attributed to infection.

Because of the many reports of injury and death that continue to flood headlines, the governments of both Denmark and the United Kingdom are considering a moratorium on the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech jab until more is known about how it might affect people.

The goal was to give a second dose to everyone who received the first dose after a 21-day delay. However, that delay could be extended if it is determined that the jabs are a high-risk endeavor that may lead to a flood of new injuries and deaths.

Pfizer and BioNTech, upset about this, issued their own statement indicating that safety and efficacy of the vaccines have not been evaluated “on different dosing schedules.” In other words, the two companies still want patients to be injected at the 21-day mark.

“These are near-term effects,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter. “Should be a real hoot when the long-term effects begin to manifest.”

“I entertain the hypothesis that the mRNA hacking could result in a change of DNA programming,” wrote another. “Then, these long-term effects will either result in hyper-aggressive degenerative mutation, or this is how we get zombies.”

More related news about people being harmed and killed by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines can be found at

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