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Bill Barr has been an American traitor since at least 1992

Bill Barr has been an American traitor since at least 1992

(Paranormal) The independent media seems perplexed over the fact that former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to do pretty much anything worthwhile while employed within the Trump administration. The expectation, apparently, was that Barr would clean up the “swamp” and create an American utopia free of the “deep state” at some point during his tenure. Why would Barr do this, though, when he’s been a swamp creature himself since at least 1992?

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Conservatives must be suffering from some kind of amnesia because it is common knowledge that Barr worked back in the early ’90s as attorney general under George H.W. Bush, one of the most corrupt swamp creatures in our nation’s history. Like Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Barr has been a staple in establishment politics for decades, having spearheaded some of the earliest known instances of warrantless surveillance against innocent Americans, as one prominent example.

“The Justice Department under Attorney General William Barr launched a vast surveillance program that gathered records of innocent Americans’ international phone calls without first conducting a review of whether it was legal,” reports explain. “It happened in 1992, the last time Barr served as attorney general.”

Long before George W. Bush, “papa” Bush’s son, took occupation of the White House and subjected us all to the “Patriot Act,” Barr was illegally surveilling Americans without a warrant. This would explain why Barr, during his more recent tenure, declared that the Obama administration had not committed any crimes when they illegally surveilled the incoming Trump administration.

Barr and his buddies in deep state government, we now know, played a direct role in Barack Hussein Obama’s illegal spying activities, hence why Barr decided to cover for the illicit operation. Barr also insists that the CIA did nothing wrong by fomenting and spreading the phony Trump – Russia collusion scandal that helped to run out the clock, so to speak, on Trump’s efforts to get anything done during his first term.

“And, of course the FBI is now a disgrace after four more years of persecuting innocents and letting criminals go free,” further notes Joe Hoft, writing for The Gateway Pundit. “Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray plotted with Deep State members in overthrowing the government this election as can be seen by their selective blindness and lack of efforts to address the coup they are part of.”

Ending the “War on Drugs” would largely end deep state tyranny

Under the guise of fighting the “War on Drugs” – one of the catch-all excuses used by the deep state to openly violate Americans’ constitutional rights, by the way – Barr and Bush Sr.’s Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) illegally monitored and collected records on virtually every phone call that was made from the United States to 116 different foreign countries. Congress had no oversight, a USA Today investigation found, and this blueprint is what was used after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to expand illegal spying and surveillance under the Patriot Act.

“The Justice Department’s inspector general said both the DEA and the Justice Department ‘failed to conduct a comprehensive legal analysis’ of its authority to gather those records,” an investigation found.

After working under Papa Bush, Barr then went on to work as General Counsel at telecommunications company GTE, which eventually became Verizon while Barr was still employed there. During his time at Verizon, Barr spearheaded the creation of the very surveillance programs that would later be used not just by Bush Jr. to spy on Americans, but also by Obama to spy on Trump.

Why Trump hired Barr in the first place remains an anomaly, especially since his history of treason is open knowledge. While claiming to be fighting the swamp, Trump has repeatedly hired on the worst of the worst from the swamp, which means that Trump is also a failure, at least in this regard.

Why did Trump repeatedly fill his cabinet with swamp creatures while claiming to be draining it?

Another individual who has been complicit in illegal spying is Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees the secret court where the FBI filed its phony FISA warrants signed by James Comey, fueling the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory that resulted in President Donald Trump being impeached.

Justice Roberts signed off on all of these phony warrants, demonstrating where his true loyalties lie. This means that Barr and Roberts are two peas in a pod who worked in tandem during Trump’s time in office to undermine all efforts to hold Obama et al. responsible for committing treason – which makes Barr and Roberts complicit in treason as well.

Giving Trump a free pass for all of this by claiming that he was “tricked” or “fooled” by people he thought he could trust simply does not pass muster anymore. If Trump is really an outsider like many conservatives continue to claim he is, then he could have, and really should have, rooted out Barr, and before him Jeff Sessions, much more quickly – or better yet, never hired them in the first place.

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