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Obama, Biden and Schiff committed treason against America through cyber warfare election fraud

Obama, Biden and Schiff committed treason against America through cybe

The “kraken” is finally being released, and it is revealing that big Democrat names like Joe Biden, Adam Schiff and Barack Obama committed treason against the United States by engaging in cyber warfare against our election process.

Gen. Thomas McInerney, one of President Donald Trump’s allies in the fight for a fair and honest election, told Worldview Weekend‘s Brannon Howse during an exclusive interview that the election fraud conspiracy runs much deeper than many realize, involving enemies both foreign and domestic.

Contrary to what some are now saying that this is all just politics as usual, McInerney confirmed that traitors who occupy high-level positions both in our government and in foreign governments have been colluding to steal elections for many years.

Obama utilized the scheme to win reelection in 2012, for instance, while the Democrat Party used it during the most recent primaries to prevent Bernie Sanders from beating Joe Biden.

“You know that’s politics, we’ve been cheating,” McInerney says about the common excuse that is given for such “irregularities.” “No, it’s not politics – this is treason.”

According to McInerney, the United States has never seen this magnitude of treason in its history. Consequently, there is no possible scenario in which patriotic Americans should ever accept the claim that Joe Biden “won” the presidency.

“You people that have done this are guilty of treason against the United States, and we are going to demand this president, insist this president not leave office until the American people have had a full disclosure of what’s going on.”

Attorney Sidney Powell is also fighting the good fight for a free and fair election, and she could use your help. To learn more, check out her Defending the Republic website.

So when will Obama, Biden and Schiff be prosecuted?

As it turns out, treason is a unique offense being the only crime expressly defined by the Constitution as applying to Americans who have betrayed their allegiance to the nation. The penalty for treason is death.

With that said, many are wondering when these high-profile traitors will finally face the music for their crimes, which have been going on for decades. These crimes would seem to have culminated in the 2020 election, which McInerney says is the worst instance of treason this country has ever faced.

“The American people must demand that the president stay in office until this is cleared up because it’s treason,” McInerney says. “It’s a coup d’état against the government of the United States, and we cannot accept that.”

Mary Fanning, who also participated in the same interview, added that this is not merely an attempt by the treasonous Democrats to steal an election. It is an effort to steal America.

“The founding fathers may not have known about cyber warfare, but they certainly recognize tyranny,” she says. “When we have China and Iran having access to our elections, we cannot let them steal America through their illegal acts of treason and act of war against this country.”

Fanning further suggests that all entities who were complicit in the steal, including Fox News, are likewise guilty of treason. Every news outlet, personality, corporation or whatever else that knowingly furthers the lie that Biden won the election is an enemy of our nation because the process was rigged.

“There’s an abundance of evidence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump on behalf of Joe Biden, with Joe Biden’s assistance, because Joe Biden said he had the greatest voter fraud group in history put together,” Fanning contends.

More of the latest news about the contested election can be found at

Sources for this article include:

by: Ethan Huff

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