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Fired Chris Krebs admits during Senate hearing that Dominion machines were connected to internet

Fired Chris Krebs admits during Senate hearing that Dominion machines

(Paranormal) After being canned by President Donald Trump, Chris Krebs, former Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), admitted during a Senate Homeland Security Committee meeting that Dominion Voting Systems machines were connected to the internet during the election.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Immediately after the election, Krebs claimed that it was “the most secure” ever, prompting Trump to fire him. Now, however, Krebs is basically fessing up to the fact that the election was not as secure as he had previously claimed.

When asked by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) if vote tabulators were connected to the internet on Election Day in order to “transmit the data to the counties and also into the official …,” Krebs responded with the admission that, “In some cases, yes, sir.”

In other words, Democrats who claim that Dominion voting machines were not connected to the internet are lying, plain and simple. So much for there being “no evidence” of election fraud, eh?

Back in early November, Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R-Mich.) warned that routers and Wi-Fi connectors were used all throughout the TCF Center in Detroit while ballots were being counted on election night. For daring to expose this, Colbeck was dubbed a “conspiracy theorist.”

Colbeck, who served for two terms as a Michigan state senator, volunteered to be a GOP poll watcher at the TCF Center, working for a full 24 hours until around 5pm the day after the election. While volunteering, Colbeck noticed that computers all throughout the TCF Center were connected to the internet.

Colbeck asked fellow former politician David Natham, a Democrat, to scroll over the LAN connection icon on one of the computers, only to have Natham refuse. Colbeck later analyzed the physical cable connections himself and drew up a schematic of what he saw.

To keep up with the latest news about election fraud, be sure to check out

All electronic “votes” need to be tossed; new paper-only election needs to be held

While Krebs technically only admitted that “some” Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet on Election Day, which ones were and which ones were not is unknown. As a result, there is no remedying the fix without a whole new election.

At the very least, every state where Dominion voting machines are used needs a full forensic audit. A better solution is to just hold a whole new election in these states, this time with no electronic or mail-in ballots, and only in-person, paper-only ballots.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, a single act of tyranny could be ascribed to “the accidental opinion of the day.” A series of oppressions, however, which is what we are witnessing with 2020 election fraud, can only be ascribed to a “systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.”

“Throw out all electronic votes,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit. “If that means a complete do over, so be it. There will never be a full accounting otherwise.”

Another warned that the United States, though officially a republic, is now “a de facto Oligarchy, wherein no matter what element of the political establishment is in charge, our nation continues to head in the same trajectory that oligarchs and major corporations desire (add Kleptocracy as well).”

“If you want even more information on the criminal activity of this election, then spend just a few minutes reading the Amistad Project report that was just released (PDF),” this same commenter added.

You can read that report at this link.

Attorney Sidney Powell is working hard to get to the bottom of the election fraud scandal. You can help her by checking out her website.

Sources for this article include:

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