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Owners of SolarWinds have links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Kong and the US election process

Owners of SolarWinds have links to Obama, the Clintons, China, Hong Ko

Who owns SolarWinds? This is a good question due to the complicated sales and purchases of related companies and individual owners over the past few years.

Per our research, the owners of SolarWinds are related to the Clintons and companies that verify elections in the US.

(Article by Joe Hoft republished from

If you look up SolarWind’s 10K on the SEC website, EDGAR, you’ll find that the company was acquired in February 2016 by investment firms Silver Lake and Thoma Bravo. Then in 2018, the company went public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO):

barack obama, China, Clintons, conspiracy, corruption, democrats, Hill

The private owners before taking the company public through the IPO are noted in the company’s most recent annual financials (10K) as Silver Lake and Thoma Bravo.

Thoma Bravo

According to Dr. Quigley on Twitter, “the buyout firm, [Thoma Bravo] who now owns SolarWinds was founded by a Puerto Rican billionaire who contributed over $100k to Clinton in 2016. His name is Orlando Bravo.”

Thoma Bravo purchased Entrust in 2009 but it appears they sold to Datacard group in 2013. Still looking into this.

(Fyi – Orlando Bravo made two contributions of $125,000 each to the far left Democrat PAC Vote for Vets):

barack obama, China, Clintons, conspiracy, corruption, democrats, Hill

And as Dr. Quigley mentions, Bravo purchased a company by the name of Entrust in 2009. Entrust has a location in Ottawa, Canada. But we’re not totally sure of this, it may actually be the other way around, but no doubt the two companies are connected.

Per Dr. Quigley,

Thoma Bravo also purchased DigiCert in 2015. DigiCert and Entrust verify the elections for at least half of the states in the US. Entrust is also closely related to a firm by the name of ‘Live Ramp’ which is located in Shanghai.

Dr. Quigley provides an article on Orlando Bravo from the Wall Street Journal:

In summary, Thoma Brava is one of the owners of SolarWinds and it also is connected to the firms that validate elections for at least half the states in the US.

Silver Lake

Dr. Quigley also has done some work on Silver Lake Partners (SLP). SLP Co-founder Glenn Hutchins the other firm that owns SolarWinds. Hutchins is on the Board of ATT and is related to Brookings and is a former advisor to Bill Clinton and is currently on the board of the Obama Foundation:

Dr. Quigley next provides additional information on Mr. Hutchins, Hillary, and Obama’s friend:

There’s more on SLP – like one of its managing directors, Kenneth Hao, a billionaire from Hong Kong:

In summary

The owners of SolarWinds are closely related to Obama and the Clintons. They also are heavily in the election business and have relations with companies and individuals in China and Hong Kong.

Read more at:

(Article by News Editors republished from Natural News)

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