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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Rugsėjo » 06
DHS Braces for ‘Potential EMP Attack’ as Presidential Election Looms
06.09.2020, 16:58
DHS Braces for ‘Potential EMP Attack’ as Presidential Election Looms
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a new report warning about a “potential” electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against the United States.
Skaityk toliau
POTUS Bans Taxpayer Money From Funding Anti-American ‘Critical Race Th
06.09.2020, 12:22
POTUS Bans Taxpayer Money From Funding Anti-American ‘Critical Race Theory’
President Trump has finally banned taxpayer money from being used to fund far-left anti-American “critical race theory” being taught by federal agencies.
Skaityk toliau
700 U.S. Veterans Issue Open Letter in Support of President Trump
06.09.2020, 12:05
700 U.S. Veterans Issue Open Letter in Support of President Trump

Almost 700 American veterans have issued an open letter declaring their support of President Trump against mainstream media attacks weeks before the 2020 election.

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Patriotic Sheriff Warns Anti-Cop Thugs
06.09.2020, 13:14
Patriotic Sheriff Warns Anti-Cop Thugs: If You Attack Us, ‘Expect Us to Shoot Back’
A no-nonsense patriotic Ohio sheriff has issued a stern warning to anti-cop thugs expecting to get a free pass for attacking police in his jurisdiction.
Skaityk toliau
California Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex With ‘Wil
06.09.2020, 12:05
California Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex With ‘Willing’ Kids
California lawmakers passed a bill this week that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.
Skaityk toliau
Antifa Rioter Throws Molotov Cocktail at Police
06.09.2020, 12:05
Antifa Rioter Throws Molotov Cocktail at Police, Only Succeeds In Lighting His Comrade on Fire
Footage from the hundredth night of violent rioting and destruction in Portland shows a violent Antifa militant hurling a Molotov cocktail at the police, but only succeeding in hitting one of his comrades, lighting him on fire instead.
Skaityk toliau
The Deadly Cultists Of Thurstaston Common’
06.09.2020, 12:05
The Deadly Cultists Of Thurstaston Common’
In this latest tale, world-famous psychic researcher, Tom Slemen explores the mystery behind ‘The Deadly Cultists of Thurstaston Common’…
Skaityk toliau
The Living Ghost Phenomenon
06.09.2020, 13:14
The Living Ghost Phenomenon
Though extremely rare, there are a few anecdotal accounts of people encountering manifestations of a person-usually well known to them-who are still alive, but are at another physical location, frequently far away.
Skaityk toliau
The Story Of Love And Murder Of Egypt Valley Wildlife Area
06.09.2020, 12:05
The Story Of Love And Murder Of Egypt Valley Wildlife Area
The Egypt Valley Wildlife Area is a large state-owned area in Belmont County, Ohio. You can easily get to it from I-70.
Skaityk toliau
Camping Cryptids: Creatures You May Encounter In Summer
06.09.2020, 16:58
Camping Cryptids: Creatures You May Encounter In Summer

Summer is the perfect time for people to go hiking and camping. While most out-door adventurers worry about taking safety precautions against the weather, bugs, and wild animals, most do not even think about the possibility of running into something much more mysterious.

Skaityk toliau
25 Common Superstitions And Their Origins
06.09.2020, 13:14
25 Common Superstitions And Their Origins

From avoiding walking under ladders to carrying a rabbit’s foot for good luck; why do we do the things we do? What is the origin of many of our most common superstitions?

Skaityk toliau
Victim Of Jack The Ripper: The Tortured Spirit Of Mary Kelly
06.09.2020, 12:05
Victim Of Jack The Ripper: The Tortured Spirit Of Mary Kelly
Jack the Ripper is probably the best known serial killer in history. He is sometimes called the first serial killer. Although this is not true, he certainly takes credit for being the first and the atrocities he committed shock us to this day.
Skaityk toliau
Z.Vaišvila Stebisi Konstitucinio Teismo Ir Vyriausybės Neišmanymu
06.09.2020, 13:14
Z.Vaišvila stebisi Konstitucinio Teismo ir Vyriausybės neišmanymu

Būtina skaityti ne tik žiniasklaidos pranešimus apie valdžios nutarimus, bet ir pačius nutarimus. Perskaičiau 2020-08-28 Konstitucinio Teismo nutarimą, kuriuo pripažinta, kad Konstitucijai, konstituciniams atsakingo valdymo, teisinės valstybės principams prieštarauja

Skaityk toliau
Nuostabaus Skonio Šokoladinis Pyragas, Kuris Tiesiog Tirpsta Burnoje!
06.09.2020, 12:22
Nuostabaus skonio šokoladinis pyragas, kuris tiesiog tirpsta burnoje!
Greitas ir skanus šokoladinis pyragas nustebins ne tik jūsų šeimos narius, bet taip pat ir netikėtai užsukusius svečius. Šis pyragas tiesiog tirpsta burnoje!
Skaityk toliau
Vištiena Indišku Stiliumi. Skanumėlis!
06.09.2020, 12:05
Vištiena indišku stiliumi. Skanumėlis!
Turiu prisipažinti, kad šį patiekalą gaminau ne aš. Jį pagamino mano vyresnioji dukra ir pakvietė šeimą vakarienės. Man teko tik žavėtis, nufotografuoti, aprašyti ir žinoma paskanauti. Galiu pripažinti, kad patiekalas labai vykęs, todėl būtinai noriu pasidalinti su visais skaitytojais. Skanumėlis!
Skaityk toliau