06.09.2020, 13:14
The Living Ghost Phenomenon
Though extremely rare, there are a few anecdotal accounts of people encountering manifestations of a person-usually well known to them-who are still alive, but are at another physical location, frequently far away.
Skaityk toliau
06.09.2020, 16:58
Camping Cryptids: Creatures You May Encounter In Summer
Summer is the perfect time for people to go hiking and camping. While most out-door adventurers worry about taking safety precautions against the weather, bugs, and wild animals, most do not even think about the possibility of running into something much more mysterious.
Skaityk toliau
06.09.2020, 12:05
Vištiena indišku stiliumi. Skanumėlis!
Turiu prisipažinti, kad šį patiekalą gaminau ne aš. Jį pagamino mano vyresnioji dukra ir pakvietė šeimą vakarienės. Man teko tik žavėtis, nufotografuoti, aprašyti ir žinoma paskanauti. Galiu pripažinti, kad patiekalas labai vykęs, todėl būtinai noriu pasidalinti su visais skaitytojais. Skanumėlis!
Skaityk toliau