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ANARCHO-TYRANNY: Same California police that did NOTHING when BLM was rioting now swarm home of honest man trying to register legal firearm

ANARCHO-TYRANNY: Same California police that did NOTHING when BLM was

(Paranormal) A Texas man who recently moved to California had his home raided by police after trying to legally register a firearm he brought with him from the Lone Star State.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

At least eight law enforcement officers from what appeared to be the California Department of Justice swarmed the man’s home, bringing with them a warrant that they used to search the property for something illegal.

After coming up with nothing, the SWAT-like band of thugs left the man’s home empty-handed, after which he uploaded footage of the horrific incident to the internet.

“In September, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) warrant searched my home, after I attempted to register a firearm with them,” a description for the below video reads.

“They left having found nothing illegal, according to California State law. I have no criminal history.”

Why is BLM allowed to commit endless crimes and never be punished?

The incident took place just months after roving mobs of Black Lives Matter (BLM) thugs swarmed the nation in response to the death of George Floyd, looting and destroying businesses while police stood idly by and did nothing.

None of the culprits were ever arrested or punished, and BLM ended up raking in a whopping $10.6 billion in financial support and aid while pretending to be “victims” of “systemic racism.”

“Meanwhile, when a law-abiding citizen tries to comply with ridiculous gun laws, he’s rewarded with police swarming his house to look for a lower receiver,” writes Chris Menahan for Information Liberation, contrasting the two situations.

“These cops would never dream of going throughout the ghettos of Los Angeles where violence is surging to confiscate illegal guns from gang members!”

As Sam Francis warned, America is now living under “anarcho-tyranny”

As the late paleoconservative writer Sam Francis warned would happen, the United States has descended into total anarcho-tyranny. In essence, the state is failing to properly enforce the law while selectively targeting those who abide by it with persecution.

“What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny – the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes,” Francis wrote.

Law-abiding citizens and the innocent, he added, are criminalized through egregious taxation, excessive bureaucratic regulation, privacy invasion, and social engineering. Meanwhile, actual criminals are allowed to roam free and do whatever they please.

The rise of “sensitivity training,” “hate crimes,” “hate speech,” and other Orwellian, multiculturalist brainwashing aims to deconstruct everything that was once good in our nation in order to replace it with all kind of boundless evil.

“The laws that are enforced are either those that extend or entrench the power of the state and its allies and internal elites,” Francis added, noting that much of what is now becoming “law” actually punishes people “who insist on behaving according to traditional norms.”

Not wanting to pay taxes or wear seat belts, for instance – or in 2020, not wanting to wear a mask – is all seen as delinquent, while damaging private property and raising hell because of perceived “racism” is seen as virtuous.

Other “malcontents” that are punished under the new lawless paradigm including families with both a husband and a wife, people who quote the Bible or the Constitution, and people who oppose the limitless invasion of our country by illegal aliens from the third world.

“This cruelty toward innocent citizens most deserving of law enforcement’s protection while simultaneously letting armed BLM and Antifa spit in their faces during the commission of crimes is rather obviously a defining essence of cowards, and the worst sort at that,” wrote one Information Liberation commenter in response to the above video.

More of the latest news about the collapse of American society under political correctness can be found at

Sources for this article include:

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