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HYPOCRISY: Democrats now demanding barriers for Capitol yet oppose Mexico border wall

Democrats now demanding barriers for Capitol yet oppose Mexico border

Democrats are now demanding that a fence be constructed around the U.S. Capitol. A Democratic lawmaker introduced a bill in Congress ordering the construction of a fence around the Capitol’s perimeter. This comes in stark contrast to their frequent opposition toward former president Donald Trump’s border wall at the border with Mexico.

(Article by Ramon Tomey republished from

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) introduced the bill on Jan. 15, which was referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on the same day. HR 339 instructs the architect of the Capitol to “design and install an appropriate fence around the perimeter of the U.S. Capitol.” The bill also mentioned that the west and east fronts of the Capitol would also be included in the perimeter.

HR 339 followed an earlier bill Torres also introduced. HR 338 seeks “to clarify the counting of electoral votes in Congress to be a National Special Security Event.” This bill was referred to the House Committee on Homeland Security on Jan. 15.

The specifics of the Capitol perimeter fence remain unclear. However, The National Pulse Senior Reporter Natalie Winters wrote that HR 339 follows years of Democratic politicians insisting “walls don’t work.” They believe that Trump’s efforts to erect a wall near Mexico was ineffective in deterring crime and illegal immigration.

Winters quoted a December 2018 opinion piece by Fox News host Tucker Carlson. In the op-ed article, Carlson argued that border fences were less racist compared to walls as these were “much easier to climb over.” He elaborated: “Fences are the perfect solution if you’re trying to pretend you care about border security, while simultaneously encouraging much of the third world to move [to the U.S.] without permission.”

Tucker Carlson slammed politicians who insist that walls do not work

The Fox News host commented: “You can have lots of border fences and still wind up with 22 million illegal aliens living in your country.” This phenomenon has been proven consecutively over the years thanks to Democrats opting to fund fences, Carlson continued.

A number of Democratic politicians have voiced out their opposition to border walls. New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries advised against wasting taxpayer money on border walls as they were “something that will not make us more secure.” Meanwhile, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer mentioned that border security can be done without the need to build a wall.

Carlson rebuked these lawmakers insisting that walls were ineffective. He pointed out that these privileged politicians made these pronouncements while being surrounded by the same walls which they claim do not work. The conservative host also pointed out that Israel, a close U.S. ally, also has plenty of border walls.

Carlson mentioned that whenever Democratic politicians appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, they would usually respond that Israel’s walls have nothing to do with immigration. The tall, foreboding walls serve to keep out terrorists and suicide bombers, they claimed.

Democrats’ mastery of hypocrisy and double standards emerged during the coronavirus pandemic

Based on Carlson’s piece and HR 339, Democrats only care about walls if it serves to benefit them. A number of Democratic politicians have openly stuck to their hypocrisy and double standards, regardless of their rung in the government ladder. Three California officials exhibited similar behaviors amid the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

In December 2020, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl was spotted dining outdoors despite voting to ban al fresco dining just hours earlier. Local news outlet FOX 11 received multiple tips confirming the former actress visited an Italian restaurant near her residence. Kuehl reportedly voted to ban outdoor dining at the county’s more than 30,000 food establishments over COVID-19 safety concerns.

A month before, Gov. Gavin Newsom was spotted attending a birthday party without a mask or face covering. The California governor graced the celebration for his friend at The French Laundry restaurant. Newsom and his companions did not have any masks on inside the establishment’s exclusive dining room. Newsom said in October 2020 that Californians should wear masks in between bites of their meals.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi takes the top spot for hypocritical behavior. The head of the lower chamber visited a San Francisco salon in late August, amid the city’s shutdown order for hair salons and barbershops. San Francisco’s health department also banned indoor salon services. Despite her spokesman’s insistence that Pelosi wore a mask and followed local COVID-19 requirement, security footage showed the House speaker devoid of any mask or face covering. shows Democrats’ double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to border security and other issues.

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