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Madonna Calls for Gun Control After George Floyd’s Death: “F*ck the Police!”

Madonna Calls for Gun Control After George Floyd’s Death: “F*ck the Po

Pop star Madonna has lashed out at the police following the death of George Floyd, declaring “f*** the police” and calling for extreme gun control in America.

In an Instagram post, Madonna wrote:

“Watching this Cop suffocate George Floyd with his knee on his neck, handcuffed and helpless, crying for his life with his face in the street is the most sickening, heartbreaking thing I’ve seen in a long time.”

“This Officer knew he was being filmed and murdered him with arrogance and pride,” she continued.

“This has to stop!!”

But despite no guns being involved in the incident, the singer used the tragedy to push for far-left radical gun control in America:

“Until we can overcome Racism in America— no one should be allowed to carry a gun. Most of all cops,” she declared.

“God Bless you George Floyd.”

“I’m so sorry for you and your family. And all the senseless killings that have gone before you. Will it ever end? I pray to GOD it does one day.”

“Until then—F*** The Police!” Madonna added.

“Yea I said it. I’m not interested in being PC. I’m interested in Justice.”

Madonna used the #guncontrol hashtag at the end of her post. reports: Other celebrities have likewise voiced their condemnation of the incident, and many have given similarly radical responses, among them former NFL player Colin Kaepernick and rapper Cardi B.

Kaepernick, who famously concluded his NFL career refusing to stand for the national anthem in protest of systemic racism and police violence and has since devoted himself to social justice activism, defended and even promoted the rioting that has left sections of Minneapolis in flames.

“When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction,” Kaepernick tweeted Thursday. “The cries for peace will rain down, and when they do, they will land on deaf ears, because your violence has brought this resistance. We have the right to fight back! Rest in Power George Floyd.”

Cardi B posted a similar response.

“They looting in Minnesota and as much as I don’t like this type of violence it is what it is,” she tweeted Thursday. “Too much peaceful marches, too much trending hashtags and NO SOLUTIONS! The people are left with NO CHOICE.”

While some have defended the violence that has erupted in response to Floyd’s death, others are pleading with rioters to embrace peaceful protest, including Minneapolis Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins.

During a press conference Thursday, Jenkins told protesters that while they have “every absolute right to be angry,” they have “no right to perpetrate violence and harm,” particularly “on the very communities that you say that you are standing up for.”

“We need peace and calm in our streets, and I am begging you for that calm,” said Jenkins. Source

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