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Mainstream science admits COVID-19 vaccines contain mRNA “nanoparticles” that trigger severe allergic reactions

Mainstream science admits COVID-19 vaccines contain mRNA “nanoparticle

(Paranormal) At least eight people who were vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in the days immediately following the jab’s initial release back in December suffered severe allergic reactions that mainstream science is now claiming were caused by toxic messenger RNA (mRNA) nanoparticles.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

A compound known as polyethylene glycol (PEG) that was added to the matrix structure surrounding the mRNA ingredients used in Pfizer and BioNTech’s China virus jab is believed to be triggering severe anaphylaxis, prompting authorities to issue warnings about its dangers.

“PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine, but it is found in many drugs that have occasionally triggered anaphylaxis – a potentially life-threatening reaction that can cause rashes, a plummeting blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat,” warns Science magazine.

“Some allergists and immunologists believe a small number of people previously exposed to PEG may have high levels of antibodies against PEG, putting them at risk of an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine.”

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed up by Anthony Fauci, held several meetings right after the jab was released to discuss the problem with both Pfizer and Moderna, the latter of which released its COVID-19 vaccine a short time later.

Representatives from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were present, as were “independent scientists and physicians.”

To reassure Americans that COVID-19 vaccination is “safe and effective,” the NIAID agreed to set up a study in collaboration with the FDA that will analyze how China flu vaccines affect people with high levels of anti-PEG antibodies.

“Until we know there is truly a PEG story, we need to be very careful in talking about that as a done deal,” warns Alkis Togias, branch chief of allergy, asthma and airway biology at the NIAID.

COVID-19 vaccines making people more susceptible to illness, death

Despite the serious risks involved, Elizabeth Phillips, a drug hypersensitivity researcher at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and an attendee at the Dec. 16 NIAID meeting, still believes that everyone needs to get vaccinated.

“We need to get vaccinated,” she is quoted as saying, plainly. “We need to try and curtail this pandemic. These next couple of weeks in the U.S. are going to be extremely important for defining what to do next.”

Long before these vaccines were commercially released, scientists and medical experts who are not on the dole of Big Pharma raised concerns not only about anaphylaxis but also about the fact that mRNA vaccines trigger what is known as “pathogenic priming.”

In a nutshell, pathogenic priming causes the body to produce so many antibodies in response to the vaccine that when a vaccinated person encounters the actual “wild” virus out in the real world, his or her immune system responds with life-threatening aggression.

Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 can actually increase a person’s risk of becoming severely ill or dying from exposure to the virus post-vaccination, in other words.

“There has never been a successful vaccine for SARS or MERS, two viruses related to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that can lead to COVID-19 disease.),” reports Informed Choice Washington.

“Animal models revealed that although experimental SARS and MERS vaccines could create high amounts of antibodies, when challenged with exposure to the wild viruses they were supposed to be protected against, the animals instead developed severe, even lethal disease reactions.”

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler actually published a study on this very subject, warning that all SARS-CoV-2 immunogenic epitopes except for one are similar to human proteins, suggesting that any associated vaccine will induce some degree of life-threatening autoimmunity.

More breaking news about Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines can be found at

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