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COVID-19 is communism

COVID-19 yra komunizmas

According to retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” is a weapon that was hatched by communist China as part of its “stealth war” against the United States.

While traditional weapons of war include things like guns and bombs, COVID-19 is “novel” in the sense that it achieves a number of different goals, not the least of which include the destruction of the economy, people’s minds, and national stability.

From a health perspective, COVID-19 is pretty much a non-issue. But from an economic, political and ideological perspective, COVID-19 is by and large the most destructive threat our country has ever faced.

“The coronavirus revealed an entirely new threat to Americans for the first time,” Spalding told the Truth Over Fear Summit last month. “It’s very subtle and it’s a completely different kind of threat to our national security.”

Since America is communist China’s “main adversary” due to the fact that “we have a Constitution … designed to separate power” and “ensure no one person, group, or party could gain ultimate power,” the communist regime had to come up with a weapon that would inflict maximum damage with minimal effort.

As it turns out, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “looks at politics as the method of war,” according to Spalding. “In other words, war is politics; politics is war.”

With that in mind, consider how COVID-19 has divided our nation along party lines, with one side demanding total compliance to “prevention” solutions and the other standing up for freedom and civil liberty. COVID-19 is thus the perfect divide-and-conquer mechanism to destroy the country.

For more related news about COVID-19, be sure to check out

COVID-19 is how China successfully brought communism to the United States

Considering that the CCP itself came to power in China through similar means of political, psychological, ideological and economic warfare, it only makes sense that the CCP decided to unleash the idea of COVID-19 to do the same thing here in the U.S.

“After the end of the Cold War, and certainly when China was brought into the World Trade Organization, their ability to use business, finance, and information to extend this influence and control beyond their borders is what we are dealing with today in the coronavirus,” Spalding says.

Whether or not COVID-19 is even a real virus is unimportant, it turns out. Simply convincing enough people that it exists – and convincing them that the only cure is mass compliance with communist-style “public health” dictates such as masks and vaccines – is apparently enough to bring about the total destruction of national sovereignty, which is exactly what is now taking place.

Public health measures also do not have to make any sense whatsoever – which they clearly do not – just so long as enough people believe that they help. Spinning narratives like “masks only work if everyone wears them,” which is exactly the same as “vaccines only work if everyone gets them,” also program the masses to demand communist-style adherence to the “rules” as a replacement for freedom and individual liberty.

If you really stop to think about it, everything the government is telling us about COVID-19 in terms of how to supposedly eradicate it predicates upon individuals giving up their sovereignty and coalescing to the “herd.” There is no more room for freedom of choice or even freedom of thought, which is exactly how society works in communist China.

“If you go back and study the method of warfare of the Chinese Communist Party and recognize that it’s political, it’s psychological, it uses media, it uses all elements of connectedness to essentially control the narrative, then you realize that we created the perfect society, global society, to enable the spread of that narrative,” is how Spalding puts it.

Sources for this article include:

by: Ethan Huff

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