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Backlash Against Fox News Explodes As Ratings Crash Through Floor After Election Shame

Backlash Against Fox News Explodes As Ratings Crash Through Floor Afte

Fox News election coverage led the ratings on Tuesday, Nov. 3, with 14.1 million viewers over CNN and MSNBC, but only four days later the ratings crashed through the floor with patriots across the country announcing they are done with Fox.

To put Fox’s fall from grace into perspective, the same anchors, and the same show had only 1.7 million viewers, down from 14 million plus a few days before.

This drastic drop in its ratings is not an isolated event. According to a report by John Nolte of Breitbart, Fox News anchor Bret Baier tweeted this Saturday before his show inviting his followers to watch the show but quickly realized he had made a big mistake.

“Uh…no way! @newsmax @SchmittNYC ALL THE WAY!”

“No thanks”


“That’s a big negative”

“Nope – done with Fox!”


“You have lost this loyal viewer! Trying to influence an outcome that is clearly not legitimate!”

“How about no! Done with Fox!!”

“I’d rather get another vasectomy without anesthesia sir”

“Done with fox! You sold out on us! Good luck!”

“Sorry Bret. Fox has jumped the shark. We won’t forget.”

“Yikes the ratio on this. May want to pass that along to Murdoch’s.”

TheBL report: Fox News is considered the channel of the conservatives or of the right and its base grew exponentially with the election of President Trump mainly due to the president’s constant struggle with “fake news” such as CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and Washington Post, to name a few, which during these four years more than 90% of its coverage of the president’s term was negative.

However, during the night of the elections, Fox News called the state of Arizona to Biden when there were still votes to be counted, and in fact during the last count President Trump was barely 17,000 votes short of Biden when there were still some 70,000 more votes to be counted, that is to say, President Trump could still be the winner in Arizona.

the Fox News decision to call a state to Biden so early generated anger in its audience, especially with the abundant evidence of election fraud and irregularities by Democrats that Americans have come to see in recent days.

But the Fox News base, according to Nolte, began to distance itself when the moderator of the first presidential debate, Chris Wallace, was aggressive with President Trump and even refuted several of the points the president was trying to make but at the same time let Biden get away with the same lies the media is repeating.

In 2016 Roger Ailes resigned as CEO of Fox News and Rupert Murdoch took over his role. According to the president this was the change that made the TV network change its approach to reporting.

I’m not happy with Fox at all. … My base hates what Fox News is doing. … Fox News wants to be politically correct all of a sudden … Roger Ailes would never have let this happen,” President Trump said in an interview with CBN.

Trump’s warning now seems to have come true and Fox News may have already lost its base audience forever because of its irresponsible reporting on the presidential election that has yet to designate a winner.

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