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Big Pharma wants to vaccinate you ANNUALLY for coronavirus … with no end, ever

Big Pharma wants to vaccinate you ANNUALLY for coronavirus … with no e

 If they fail at keeping you masked and distanced for the rest of your life, at least they can say they successfully jabbed you – not just once or twice for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), but every year until the day you die.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

This is the plan by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to ensure that maximum profits continue to flow. Company CEO Alex Gorsky told CNBC that the only way to keep the Chinese virus at bay is to vaccinate people annually forever.

“Unfortunately, as [the virus] spreads it can also mutate,” Gorsky told Meg Tirrell during a “Healthy Returns Spotlight” event.

“Every time it mutates, it’s almost like another click of the dial so to speak where we can see another variant, another mutation that can have an impact on its ability to fend off antibodies or to have a different kind of response not only to a therapeutic but also to a vaccine.”

If Gorsky gets his way, which will mean huge payouts and dividends for himself, Americans will be getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “just like we would a flu shot.”

What this mystery vaccine will be made of is still unknown, but Gorsky is sure it will happen because it has to in order for Big Pharma to continue raking in the dough on the backs of people who are suffering and dying from these injections.

“I think we could all imagine a future where we’re living with this, but where we can keep the science at pace with the virus, so that we can keep on living our lives,” Gorsky added, pushing his own interests while claiming “science.”

Just say no to pharmaceutical drugs

The fact that Gorsky came right out and said all this without shame just goes to show how dumbed down the American populace has become, and how powerful Big Pharma has become. There was a time when patriots would have taken to the streets at such a proposal, recognizing it for the special scam that it is.

“Of course, the CEO of J&J – a company which stands to make billions from selling the covid vaccine year after year – has a clear conflict of interest and would like nothing more than to sell vaccines indefinitely … and to see Covid circulate within the population forever,” reports Zero Hedge.

“After all, that would not only pump up JNJ’s stock price but the CEO’s compensation as well.”

Zero Hedge certainly gets it, but are there enough others out there who also get it and who are willing to make their voices heard in opposition to this assault on human sensibility?

Anyone with a brain can see that this is all about money and control. It has nothing to do with keeping people “safe,” otherwise there would be no genetically modified organisms (GMOs), no fluoride in the water, no deadly pharmaceutical drugs at Walgreens, and so on and so forth.

The only thing being kept safe is tyranny, which sadly is going mostly unopposed in these formerly united states. Instead, most people seem to be just bowing down and taking it while the country is plunged into eternal tyranny.

“Going through the five phases of grief, we need to come to the acceptance phase that our lives are not going to be the same,” admitted Thomas Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about how people need to eulogize their old lives now and simply move on to the “new normal.”

“I don’t think the world has really absorbed the fact that these are long-term changes,” he further stated.

More related news about Chinese germs can be found at

Sources for this article include:

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