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Facebook, Twitter gave Biden cash while protecting Hunter

Facebook, Twitter gave Biden cash while protecting Hunter

Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and other Big Tech executives donated almost exclusively to Joe Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election, all while actively suppressing news about the Biden Crime Family’s treasonous influence peddling operations in communist China and elsewhere, new Federal Election Commission (FEC) data shows.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The heads of Facebook and Twitter donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Biden campaign at the very same time that they suppressed all coverage of the Hunter Biden scandals, calling Huntergate a baseless “conspiracy theory.”

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh reiterated in a recent statement that “the Silicon Valley mafia was always in the tank for Joe Biden and everyone knew it.” And now we know for certain, thanks to this new evidence, what everyone who was paying attention already knew this entire time.

“It’s why they blocked the sharing of the Hunter Biden story, to protect their boy Joe Biden,” Murtaugh added. “That was election interference, plain and simple, while they also targeted President Trump and other Republicans with censorship. So it should surprise no one that they have also showered money on him.”

Besides Zuckerberg and Dorsey, other tech giant executives also contributed the maximum allowable amount of $2,800 each to the Biden campaign. Meanwhile, not a single executive at either Facebook or Twitter donated a penny to the Trump campaign.

Erin Egan, Facebook’s vice president of public policy, gave Biden $2,800 not just while he was running for president but also during the primaries, for a maximum legal total of $5,600. David Fischer, Facebook’s chief revenue officer, gave the maximum to Biden during the primary, adding on another $750 during the race for the presidency.

David Wehner, Facebook’s chief financial officer, followed suit by also giving the Biden campaign the maximum legal donation, as did Facebook vice presidents Gene Alston, Michael Verdu, Shahriar Rabii, and T.S. Khurana, along with a slew of executives at Instagram and Twitter.

“FEC records show dozens of the companies’ workers with ‘manager’ or ‘director’ in their titles donating to Biden,” writes Bob Unruh for WND.

“They included Twitter director Ryan Oliver and senior director of product management James Kelm, and Facebook’s public policy director, Steve Satterfield, public policy director Michael Matthews, product manager Brett Keintz and director Ibrahim Okuyucu.”

To access more related news about the political corruption of the tech giants, be sure to check out

More than 90 percent of Facebook and Twitter’s political donations went to Democrats

An analysis conducted by the Media Research Center found that upwards of 90 percent of all the political donations made by employees of Facebook and Twitter went to Democrats. This amounts to millions of dollars being funneled from Silicon Valley into the coffers of far-left traitors trying to dismantle our republic.

It only makes sense, then, that these same social media outlets kept a lid on everything related to Hunter Biden that served to implicate his father, potentially costing him not just the White House but also his freedom.

“The social media companies have come under fire from Republicans on Capitol Hill and conservatives for suppressing the circulation of reports in October related to Hunter Biden’s business dealings,” Fox News reported.

While much of what we previously reported about Huntergate was swept under the rug by the mainstream media, we are seeing signs that the tables may be turning, possibly in an effort to oust Joe and replace him with “President Kamala.”

“This is exactly why they need to be broken up after they are charged for interfering, manipulating, and tampering with an election contributing to its fraudulent outcome,” wrote one WND commenter about Big Tech.

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