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WATCH: Health Ranger talks with Jeffrey Prather about covid, pine needles, Native American medicine and more

WATCH: Health Ranger talks with Jeffrey Prather about covid, pine need

(Paranormal) If you are concerned about those who have been “vaccinated” with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “shedding” spike proteins onto you through close contact, you will not want to miss the following episode of The Health Ranger Report.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

In it, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks to Jeffrey Prather of The Prather Point about pine needle tea, which is showing incredible promise as a remedy against vaccine shedding.

A constituent known as suramin that is found in pine needles has been shown to exhibit an inhibitory effect against various components of the coagulation cascade, as well as against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA induced by Chinese Virus injection spike proteins.

“Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles,” explains an article from the blog site Ambassador Love about what these spike proteins that are shed from the vaccinated can do to others – sound familiar?

All of these symptoms are being observed in the recently vaccinated, it turns out. And evidence is growing to suggest that those who come in close contact with the recently vaccinated are also suffering these symptoms due to vaccine shedding.

Though you will never hear about it from the likes of Anthony Fauci, there are ways to minimize the impact of such exposure, and pine needle tea is one such option.

“Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections,” Ambassador Love explains. “Pine tea also kills parasites.”

Watch below to learn more about this powerful tea:

Arm yourself against dangerous Chinese Virus vaccine shedders

As explained by the Health Ranger, pine needle tea made from fresh pine needles is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries as protection against illness. It is loaded with vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans have used forever to treat respiratory infections and other ailments.

Pine needles also contain constituents that have been shown to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood, which can help prevent the deadly blood clots, heart attacks, and other side effects associated with Chinese Virus injections.

In addition to potentially protecting against the deadly spike protein component of the Chinese Virus injection, pine needle tea may also protect against other shedding particles that were designed to further along the global depopulation agenda.

Dr. Judy Mikovits claims that the globalists are already drinking pine needle tea to protect themselves against covid depopulation weapons, though they are obviously doing it in secret to not let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately for them, we are letting it out for the benefit of our readers and viewers.

“Boiling fresh pine needles in order to make a tea is an extraction method that’s commonly used in food science as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),” says the Health Ranger.

“Water acts as a solvent, and through heat and time, some phytochemicals in the pine needles are extracted into the water, making a pine needle tea. (This is how all tea is made.)”

Another component of pine needles that the Health Ranger identified as a possible solution to vaccine shedding is shikimic acid, which is also found in Star Anise. Shikimic acid has been used for centuries to treat plagues and respiratory illnesses.”

To learn more about the benefits of pine needle tea as well as how to make it, be sure to check out this article.

More related news about natural remedies to protect against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine shedding can be found at

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