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Situation Update, Dec. 26th – Treasonous Army generals fear Trump’s “militia option” … because the militia option is effective

Situation Update, Dec. 26th – Treasonous Army generals fear Trump’s “m

(Paranormal) In addition to the declassification option, the Insurrection Act and the military re-vote options to secure his second term victory, President Trump has the “militia option” to save the republic.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

Militias are specifically mentioned as necessary guardians of our constitutional republic in both the Second Amendment and the Insurrection Act. Most modern militia groups consist of military veterans, former law enforcement, concealed carry holders and other law-abiding citizens who are passionate about liberty and defending America against enemies, both foreign and domestic.

President Trump could, at any time, call upon militia groups to converge on Washington D.C. and help prevent a military coup or defend the nation against a communist Chinese (CCP) takeover via Joe Biden, a corrupt puppet of China.

By merely calling for help, President Trump would easily see 500,000 to one million armed militia members converging on Washington D.C., gathering a formidable pro-America group of armed citizens who would be willing to fight to defend this nation. The idea of such a convergence is causing near panic at the highest levels of the U.S. Army, where treasonous generals have already decided to sell out America and allow the nation to be conquered by communist China. (This is not true among low-level and mid-level Army personnel, however, most of whom despise their corrupt Army leaders who are traitors.)

As I warn in today’s Situation Update for December 26th, America may be headed for its own “Tiananmen Square” incident, in which China’s Army forces were told to attack civilian militia forces. But unlike in China, I don’t believe U.S. Army soldiers will kill their own patriotic countrymen, which means the treasonous Army generals won’t succeed in their plot to overthrow the nation and turn America over to the communist Chinese.

Highlights of today’s Situation Update:

  • Miles Guo of Gnews says that the intelligence agencies of the world are fully aware Trump will be President for a second term.
  • Guo warns that China’s domestic economy will instantly collapse as certain events unfold. Trump’s second term will make sure this happens.
  • Defense Dept. official Andrew Knaggs lays out the spectrum of action President Trump may invoke, from the least controversial (the courts) to the most controversial (military martial law).
  • Knaggs confirms Trump can appoint a special counsel himself and does not need the AG to do it.
  • Discussion of the explosion in Nashville, and why it may have been a pilot test run to find out how easily telecommunications infrastructure can be taken out with conventional explosives. (Note: New video has since emerged, revealing this attack appears to be a missile strike from an aircraft, not merely an RV vehicle bomb.)
  • Nashville Mayor laughs and smiles when discussing the bombing.
  • The US Army may be plotting a physical coup against President Trump, to remove him from the White House.
  • Militia defenses may soon be needed at the White House and the D.C. area.
  • An analysis of militia structure and effectiveness.
  • What happens when cities begin to fall: Survivors exfil to neighboring communities.
  • The 20th Amendment and how it changed Inauguration Day from March 4th to January 20th.

Listen to the full episode here:

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