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The disappointment grows and reality needs to be faced

The disappointment grows and reality needs to be faced

(Paranormal) A Rally with strong words and catch phrases isn’t going to save our Republic. Sending emails asking for donations and that you need our help isn’t going to save our Republic. Calling people liars on Twitter isn’t going to save our Republic. Asking people to vote in a rigged election in hopes that the Republicans can retain the Senate, isn’t going to save our Republic. I could probably continue to list things, but you get the idea.

(Article by Wes Rheiner republished from

Is this it? Is this all President Trump has? Saying be there and be WILD, isn’t going to stop TPTB from reading the Electoral College Ballots and anointing Joe Biden the Presidency. Is this all Trump has? So far it looks as if he has no intention of executing his executive order or invoking the insurrection act. I grow more and more disappointed with each passing day. It should be obvious by now that this will not and cannot be won in the courts. They won’t even hear the cases. It is also very depressing to keep hearing from people, “What can we do?”

I think it’s time that people start facing reality. As of right now it appears that President Donald Trump isn’t going to do anything to save our Republic from this fraud of an election and the theft of our country.

And don’t tell me just give it two more weeks! Anyone else tired of hearing that? We’ve heard it all year!

There is no one coming to save us. It is going to be up to us, the dregs of society, the deplorables, and whatever other names these communist like to refer to us as.

I’m sorry to be writing such a depressing article. Things are getting dark and there isn’t much joy for this Holiday season. We have petty little tyrants everywhere across our land trying their best to restrict everything we do in our lives, and people for the most part are complying. That deeply saddens me. It’s hard to stand up, but just try it!

People keep saying that you are not alone. I understand that, but our numbers seem small. Unless we rise together en masse, they will take us down one by one! The sad thing is, is that someone, somewhere, has to be first. No one wants to be a martyr, but if we do nothing, then nothing happens and our country is lost. I have no idea how this goes and I’m terrible at predictions and scenarios. But I’ve heard the analogy of it being like popcorn. Something happens here, something happens there, then there, then here, and eventually it all pops off. Seems plausible. But that first kernel has to pop.

I will never accept this fraud of an election. And swearing in Joe Biden will be an Act of War! After January 6th we are going to know which way the wind blows. It will be time for our cold anger to turn hot! It will be time to stand and I don’t mean hold rallies and protest, for those actions mean absolutely nothing to the other side. This evil throughout our country must be eliminated, right down to the very smallest of local levels. It’s not going to be pretty. Millions of gallons of blood must run the streets. As the saying goes, the Tree of Liberty is looking mighty thirsty. Once this starts, it is going to be messy like nothing you’ve never seen. Best harden your hearts and get your mind wrapped around that. Do not even think of shedding a tear for these domestic enemies. They are enemies of our Republic and they hate everything that we cherish and stand for. We tried doing things the right way. We have exhausted all our options. The cartridge box is all that we have left now.

I’m not even sure why I write anymore. I feel as though I have said all that needs to be said. But I keep coming back to let you know that you are not alone. There are other people who have the same thoughts you are having. I’ll keep fighting and the fighting is about to get ugly. I’ve made my decision long ago. Some of you need to make the decision now. We are going to be fighting in our own backyard. I will never submit to communism and evil.

Our Founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. Now it’s our time. Our time to pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

May God have mercy on us all.


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