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Some doctors and politicians engage in vicious coercion, refer to people who don’t wear masks as “enemy combatants”

Some doctors and politicians engage in vicious coercion

In July, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker said those who don’t wear a mask in public are “the enemy” while citing a rising positivity rate from covid-19 test kits. These test kits can have a false positivity rate as high as 97 percent and should never be used to suspend civil liberties, as ruled by a Portuguese court. So why isn’t the Illinois governor cracking down on the medical fraud? Answer: He derives his power from the fraud.

In October, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer singled out those in the legislature who do not wear masks as “anti-maskers.” She declared that everyone must “mask up” and submit to her second round of lock down orders, as if she is the supreme law of the land. She made the threats while violating court orders that determined her perpetual state of emergency as unconstitutional.

These outlandish threats are part of a growing problem of harassment and coercion taking place in the government and medical field which is directed toward innocent people who have done no harm to anyone.

The collective goal of  virus avoidance is an indefinite pipe dream that has devolved into threats and desperation

These two governors, like many others, believe that every person must submit their bodies to arbitrary controls indefinitely in order to “slow the spread” of every false positive case, every fever and every bout of illness in the world. Even if the tests for detecting covid-19 were accurate, this goal of eliminating all infections would be impossible, leading to ever more intrusive body requirements, sustained bubble-living, government submission and communist controls on the economy.

These two governors are psychologically abusing the people who still listen to them. They, along with a few control freaks in the medical field, are now forcing their followers to live in a perpetual state of avoidance, confined to indefinite mask wearing. This cult of thought is not stopping any of the root problems associated with compromised immunity and has therefore evolved into threats and desperation. The mask obedient are being psychologically manipulated to turn against those who do not wear an oxygen restriction apparatus on their face. Free, smiling people are not spreading infections all the time by simply breathing in and out.

Yes, there are specific masks that block the water droplets that carry infectious viruses; however, the never-ending goal of collective virus avoidance brings up a more important discussion about rights and immunity:

1.) Healthy people cannot spread infections they do not have, so why are healthy people shamed for not wearing a mask?

2.) Virus exposure has always been a natural adaptation process of the immune system and will lead to immunity, if the person is taking responsibility for their own health. Since immunity stops the spread, why are people being told to hide from the inevitable, prolonging the spread?

3.) Healthy people are not lawfully or morally obligated to do things to their body to make others feel safe. There’s no science or legal precedent showing that a person’s refusal to “mask up” puts other people at risk.

4.) The individual has a right to be exposed to their environment, with unhindered breath and full contact of their surroundings.

5.) Hypochondriacs and paranoid people don’t have a magical privilege to live in a sterilized world where they get to control other people’s bodies. No person, government or private entity has a right to control other people out of fear and force medical decisions on their body.

6.) There are side effects to every collectivist medical edict. The individual has a right to informed consent and a right to opt out of anything recommended for their safety and health.

Masks are not the end-all, cure-all, holy grail of science

Wearing a mask all the time can cause yeast infections around the mouth. This mask-induced health problem is being reported at a growing rate by dentists and dental hygienists. Indefinite mask wearing can also cause lung infections, because it is not safe to strain the respiratory system, regurgitate CO2, and breathe in a moist environment that can colonize infectious bacteria. The nose was designed to filter out the air from the immediate environment, and the respiratory and circulatory system were designed to function unimpeded. Furthermore:

  • Masks do not boost your microbiome and do not help the good bacteria in your gut respond more efficiently to invading pathogens.
  • Masks do not reduce your sugar consumption, and do not allow your cells to efficiently fight off viruses.
  • Masks do not boost your vitamin C levels, nor activate the thymus gland while strengthening the T cell response.
  • Masks do not provide glutathione, a master antioxidant.
  • Masks do not boost vitamin D levels, and do not strengthen macrophage response.
  • Masks do not increase your oxygen levels, giving your body more of the element it needs in order to function properly.
  • Masks do not give your body anti-inflammatory phyto-nutrients and do not increase the efficiency of your mucous membranes.
  • Masks do not help your body absorb more zinc, stopping the replication of viruses.
  • Masks do not provide selenium, an essential mineral for immune function that most people are deficient in.
  • Masks do not reverse aging, making you less prone to die of any infection.
  • Masks do not provide antiviral phyto-chemicals into your cells, stopping viral attachment.

Health is a personal responsibility, and health freedom is an inalienable right.

Sources include:

by: Lance D Johnson

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