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Dr. James Lyons-Weiler’s coronavirus research: COVID-19 vaccines contain ingredients known to cause autoimmune disease

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler’s coronavirus research: COVID-19 vaccines conta

During a recent Pennsylvania Medical Freedom Press Conference, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler powerfully chastised Big Pharma for unleashing deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines that contain ingredients known to cause autoimmune disease.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Rather than take Dr. Lyons-Weiler’s advice urging them to remove what are known as epitopes from their jab formulas, vaccine companies instead rushed through the development process to get the vaccines out the door quickly as part of President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program.

“Historically, vaccines for coronaviruses have had a terrible safety record,” Dr. Lyons-Weiler contends.

“There is a condition known as disease enhancement due to pathogenic primate, and this was discovered in vaccinated animals in past vaccine safety studies … where vaccinated animals got more serious diseases after being vaccinated. And then when they acquired an infection from the wildtype vaccine, more animals got serious infections, serious conditions, and more animals died.”

A peer-reviewed researcher himself, Dr. Lyons-Weiler has conducted extensive research into coronavirus vaccines, including those currently under development for SARS-CoV-2. What he found is that certain protein constituents they contain are responsible for triggering the aforementioned serious illnesses.

“I found that all but one of the proteins in the SARS-CoV-2 virus have what we call unsafe epitopes, which are parts of proteins that are capable of causing immune conditions, autoimmune conditions, and immune responses against proteins in our own body,” he explained during the press conference.

“About a third of the proteins that might be targeted by autoimmune conditions by SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins either through infection or injection target the immune system. But from the start, it looks like this virus has evolved the ability to attack our immune system as part of its disease-causing capacity.”

COVID-19 Vaccines Will Spark A Pandemic Of New Autoimmune Diseases

Dr. Lyons-Weiler correctly predicted that COVID-19 is not just a respiratory virus with respiratory symptoms, but is rather an immune-attacking virus that can damage tissues all throughout the body.

With that in mind, why, then, did vaccine manufacturers create vaccines that contain the very same immune-attacking constituents?

“This affects many tissues across the body and there is some grave concern if you’re going to get infected,” he says. “But where’s the grave concern if you’re going to be injected with these same proteins?”

Dr. Lyons-Weiler tried to warn every single vaccine company that announced it would be developing a COVID-19 vaccine about these epitopes, only to receive no response.

All of them, he says, proceeded to develop their own respective unsafe COVID-19 vaccines, which are now being foisted on the world as a “cure” for the “pandemic.”

“Not a single, to my knowledge, not a single vaccine manufacturer took heed of my warning to remove those unsafe epitopes from the vaccines before they formulated their vaccines, in spite of being emailed my study with a plea to please consider taking out those unsafe epitopes,” Dr. Lyons-Weiler fumed towards the end of his speech.

This is enormous! Dr James Lyons-Weiler’s coronavirus research show unsafe epitopes that will cause autoimmune disease in human subjects!!! Watch & please retweet this!

— The Epigenetic Whisperer ?The Bodhisattva Bastard (@epigwhisp) December 3, 2020

Full speech here:

Disease enhancement due to pathogenic priming, by the way, is just a fancy way of saying that the vaccine creates new doorways into the immune system, allowing the chemicals they contain to inflict newfound harm on those who receive them.

“This is proof that the manufacturers of these vaccines, or the people behind them, do not really have a cure in mind, but rather other evil aims such as imposing more control over our bodies,” wrote one Twitter user in response to a posted video of Dr. Lyons-Weiler’s statements.

“Or perhaps outright depopulation?” asked another in response, piggybacking on comments from others about how vaccine manufacturers are fully immune from all liability for the damage caused by their jabs.

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