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Oregon doctor loses medical license after refusing to push face masks

Oregon doctor loses medical license after refusing to push face masks

The head honchos over at the Oregon Medical Board have revoked the license of a doctor who refuses to wear a face mask and believes that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is similar to a “common cold.”

Dr. Steven LaTulippe, who spoke during a recent “Stop the Steal” rally in Salem, told listeners in front of the State Capitol that Americans need to take off the “mask of shame” and go back to their normal lives because this is all a farce.

“The purpose was only to shut down the American people,” Dr. LaTulippe stated, prompting the Oregon Medical Board to declare him “a serious danger to the public health and safety.”

“This is a threat to your freedom, a threat to our Constitution,” he added. “I petition all of you, please, take off the mask of shame. It is a mask that is just designed to control you and to shut you down.”

You can watch the full video of Dr. LaTulippe’s speech below:

Being a doctor in Oregon means having to parrot CCP talking points

Because Dr. LaTulippe does not subscribe to the COVID-19 tenet put forth by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for “remediating” the “virus,” the Oregon Medical Board has decided that he is unfit to practice medicine in the state.

On Dec. 3, the Board issued an “emergency suspension” to Dr. LaTulippe’s medical license. This suspension is indefinite, pending a change of rhetoric on his part that endorses face masks, lockdowns, and other snake oil “cures” for COVID-19.

According to the Board, Dr. LaTulippe “engaged in unprofessional conduct or dishonorable conduct” by offering a different point of view concerning the “pandemic.” He also violated the Board’s values by suggesting that Americans should preserve their constitutional liberties.

Back in July, Dr. LaTulippe reportedly told a patient who asked for guidance on when to get tested for the Chinese Virus that asymptomatic people should not even bother. He also told that same individual that wearing a mask would not prevent transmission of the virus.

Dr. LaTulippe was right on both counts, of course. But the Board, mired in communist Chinese propaganda, disagreed.

Another “infraction” was Dr. LaTulippe’s refusal to wear a mask inside his own office. He and his staff chose not to restrict their natural breathing, believing the free flow of oxygen to be better for the body than having to wear a plastic diaper over the mouth and nose.

The Board disagrees, believing face masks to be just what the doctor ordered for staving off new “cases” of the WuFlu. Consequently, Dr. LaTulippe has lost his license and is no longer able to make a living.

“Medical board investigators who visited LaTulippe said there were no screening procedures upon entering the premises and no hand sanitizer was available in the waiting area,” reports explain.

“As a result of these findings, the medical board ruled that LaTulippe ‘constitutes an immediate danger to the public, and presents a serious danger to the public health and safety.'”

The good news is that Dr. LaTulippe appears to have a solid basis for suing the Oregon Medical Board for violating his autonomy as a doctor to prescribe what he believes to be the best medicine for his patients.

“Sue the crap out of them,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit. “Make them prove you were wrong, doc. They can’t. The problem is getting an honest judge to preside over the case.”

“He is being punished for exercising his First Amendment right,” wrote another about Dr. LaTulippe’s mistreatment by the Oregon Medical Board.

More related news about COVID-19 can be found at

Sources for this article include:

by: Ethan Huff

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