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Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vaccination of patients and staff

Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vacci

(Paranormal) The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is ravaging the Cottonwoods Care Center in British Columbia (BC), Canada, after both patients and staff members at the facility were mass vaccinated for the alleged disease.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Reports indicate that many at Cottonwoods are now falling seriously ill or dying due to the jabs, which the government and mainstream media continue to claim will “cure” the plandemic if only everyone would agree to get one.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry admitted during a press conference about the outbreak that getting stabbed for the Chinese virus does not actually do anything beneficial, and is actually just for show or for virtue signaling bragging rights.

According to Henry, two staff members and 10 residents tested “positive” for the Wuhan flu after getting vaccinated. Some of these cases occurred in people who had received both doses of the messenger RNA (mRNA) experimental gene therapy injection from Pfizer and BioNTech.

“You can have transmission even when people are fully vaccinated,” Henry told reporters. “The illness seems to be milder and doesn’t transmit as much [and we] won’t see rapid explosive outbreaks.”

As it turns out, the exact opposite of what Henry claims occurred at Cottonwoods, where those who took the injections suffered horrific adverse events, including death. Meanwhile, the rest of BC, much of which has not been vaccinated, would seem to be doing just fine.

At the end of the month, Henry says, the province will offer a new public health guidance that allows for increased visitation at long-term care facilities such as Cottonwoods.

Henry, as you may recall, announced the BC’s first known case of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) last February. An area resident in his 40s tested “positive,” and afterwards agreed to voluntarily self-isolate.

Wearing a mask and getting jabbed both appear to be risk factors for early death

A similar spike in injuries and deaths post-vaccination is also being reported in Israel, which has some of the most draconian Wuhan flu restrictions in the world.

In an attempt to be the world leader in requiring that all residents obtain a “green passport” showing that they were vaccinated, Israel is seeing widespread increases in serious adverse events associated with the injections.

The situation is so dire that the Jerusalem Post was compelled to publish a propaganda piece trying to justify Chinese virus vaccines, claiming they are still beneficial even though they do absolutely nothing to protect against viral spread.

According to Prof. Jonathan Gershoni from the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research at Tel Aviv University, there are many factors that lead to negative Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination outcomes.

One of them is different “variants” of the virus, he says, including the so-called “U.K. variant” that represents “the majority of infections” in Israel. Gershoni also claims that immunity is “a numbers game” in that the vaccines are apparently unable to handle a “large amount of virus.”

“… if someone has an extremely high viral load and sheds that potent load, it is possible that this large amount of virus could break through the existing protection and infect the person,” Gershoni insists.

Another factor is unhealthy people which, despite being vaccinated, can still catch, spread, and die from the Chinese virus. In other words, it is a person’s immune system, not some chemical injection, that provides true protection against disease.

“We know some people have a tendency to be very robust and stand up to infections, and other people can be a bit more sensitive,” Gershoni says.

“When talking in terms of vaccinating five million people in Israel, you are seeing the full spectrum of people with various levels of immune competence.”

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