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BASED: University professor placed on leave after exposing ‘satanic, globalist elite’ in explosive letter

BASED: University professor placed on leave after exposing ‘satanic, g

(Paranormal) Ferris State University professor Thomas Brennan has been placed on leave from his school after writing a letter about the COVID-19 scamdemic while exposing the “satanic, globalist elite.”

(Article by Shane Trejo republished from

“I believe the COVID-19 pandemic is a stunt designed to enslave humanity and strip us of all our rights and our freedoms,” Brennan wrote in his letter.

This was a sentiment that he expressed publicly that got him into hot water. Brennan issued the letter to clear the air and double down on his assertions.

“The end result of this hysteria, if unchecked, will be a mandatory vaccine,” he explained. “No one will be allowed into public places or permitted to buy food in a supermarket unless they present proof-of-vaccination. Initially, this electronic vaccination certificate will be tied to a person’s smartphone, but will soon after be in the form of injectable micro or nanotechnology in the vaccine itself. If this comes about it will truly be a fulfillment of a prophecy of the market of the beast.”

He accused the school newspaper of being guilty of deploying “standard mind-control spells that leftists cast upon their enemies.”

Brennan’s letter was filled with politically incorrect musings that the global elite desperately wants to snuff out.

“I believe the ‘n-word’ is a mind-control spell designed to make us hate each other. I am not racist against black people, I love and respect them,” he wrote, adding that he only quoted the n-word “to try and neutralize its power.”

“The entire world has fallen under the spell of a satanic, globalist elite. Their end-goal is a technocratic, one-world government, where everyone, Jew or Gentile, will be microchipped and tracked 24/7,” Brennan wrote in the concluding paragraph of his letter.

His full letter can be seen here:

As a result of his candid comments, Brennan has been placed on leave while school administrators run him through the dirt.

“Our University was founded on the concept that education is for all of the people all of the time, that all people are welcome here,” Ferris president Eisler said in a message.

“We strongly reject these statements, condemn them and will not tolerate them. We have worked diligently to become a more diverse university, and these statements demonstrate vividly how one person can set back the work of many,” he added.

While Brennan’s comments may seem a bit outlandish, the overreach enacted by the globalists throughout the COVID-19 scamdemic shows that the controversial physics professor may be onto something.

Big League Politics has reported on how the masses have been conditioned to accept a “new normal” in which their personal freedom and civil liberties are never restored to what they were before the pandemic:

CNN has confirmed the obvious: the globalist elite never intend to return to normal and plan to make the Draconian measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic permanent.

CNN senior International correspondent Nick Paton Walsh wrote the article giving away the plot. The world will be forever changed because of COVID-19, a.k.a. the China plague, and freedom will never return.

“We are slowly learning if this year’s changes are permanent. If work — for the lucky among us — will remain from home. If we will visit the grocery store less but spend more. If we will find wearing a mask on the metro to be just part of life. If shaking hands and embracing will become less common,” Walsh wrote.

He wrote that anyone who doesn’t accept that these changes must be permanent and for the greater good is mentally ill.

“Yet permanently severing ties with January is not necessarily a bad thing, psychologists say. The danger comes from hankering for normalcy again, rather than getting on with working out how to deal with whatever is ahead,” Walsh wrote.

“People who don’t adapt to change believe what they remember as “normal” will return, and delay modifying their daily routines or outlook. Those who refuse to wear masks may be guilty of normalcy bias,” he added.

“As with everything, we will find out just how resilient we are, and the future may seem normal again, however different it is,” Walsh concluded.

There are major consequences for telling the truth in this Orwellian age of repression and disinformation, but Brennan will live on as a cult hero for having the courage to speak out so forcefully against the Beast System.

Read more at:

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