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The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground

The war between China and the United States has already begun, and Ame

(Paranormal) A confidential report on foreign election interference that was supposed to have been released late last week was delayed after John Ratcliffe, Director of the National Intelligence Agency (DNI), indicated that new “relevant reports” have emerged since the election that many departments have not yet been able to coordinate.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

There is an apparent dispute within our nation’s intelligence community over whether China or Russia is primarily to blame for our fraudulent elections. The political left hates Russia and always blames it for everything, while the political right has been ramping up the rhetoric against communist China.

Could it be that both countries have an anti-American agenda, or is one or the other the culprit? This is the space between a rock and a hard place where our nation currently finds itself, and Ratcliffe has no plans to sign off on the report until it takes into account the national security threat that is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Many in President Donald Trump’s cabinet, including National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former Attorney General William Barr, along with Trump himself, have all stated at one point or another that they believe China is a bigger threat to the United States than Russia.

Democrats, however, never talk about China and are always trying to convince us that Russia is responsible for everything “bad” that happens.

Only communist China has the power and influence to subvert entire nations

What we know thus far, according to whistleblower Guo Wengui, is that the CCP’s plan to subvert the U.S. dates back decades. China’s plan has long been to control all information, money and politics in our country in order to weaken it to the point of total collapse.

Even the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic was apparently hatched by China as a weapon to take down and take over the nation.

Everything was moving along as planned until the Trump administration came to power, thwarting China’s agenda. Consequently, China pulled out all the punches and went gung-ho, especially in the year 2020 as every weapon in the arsenal was deployed for the final takeover.

“The American people need to realize that the war between the CCP and the United States has already started and the battlefield is in the United States,” reports GNews.

“From Wall Street, mainstream media, technology giants, Hollywood, to American politics, there are agents controlled by the CCP everywhere. Today, the struggle within the United States has heated up. The power that the CCP has cultivated in Washington for a long time has reached the point of crazy resistance.”

Back in September when FBI Director Christopher Wray tried to claim that Russia was responsible for influencing the presidential election on social media, Trump fought back by claiming that China is “more dangerous than Russia.”

GNews agrees, suggesting that “there is no second party that can have 1.4 billion slaves and provide endless wealth, human organs, and all kinds of young children” to the global elite in the way that communist China can.

“The CCP can provide elitists around the world with things that are strictly prohibited in all civilized countries. This is an irresistible temptation for many people. The content of Hunter Biden’s ‘Hard Drive from Hell’ is just the tip of the iceberg of the CCP’s manipulation of the world.”

Until the intelligence apparatus acknowledges this reality and stops blaming Russia for everything, there can be no getting to the bottom of this ongoing scandal. Will that eventually happen? Time will certainly tell.

More related news on the attempted takeover of the United States by communist China can be found at

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