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Chinese spy slept with American mayors, helped Eric Swalwell get reelected

Chinese spy slept with American mayors, helped Eric Swalwell get reele

During much of Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House, a Chinese spy by the name of Christine Fang, nicknamed “Fang Fang,” was making the rounds in American political circles.

Reports indicate that Fang, a Chinese Intelligence operative with communist China’s Ministry of State Security, lived in California’s Bay Area from 2011 to 2015, during which time she helped Eric Swalwell get reelected and fundraised for Tulsi Gabbard.

Fang also slept with several politicians from the Midwest, all while using her influence to steer the American political system away from freedom and into communism.

Much of Fang’s time and energy was focused on Swalwell, though, whom she honed in on by interacting with him at political events and raising money for his reelection campaign.

We know that Fang put at least one intern into Swalwell’s office as well, that is when she was not busy forging fake romantic and sexual relationships with other American politicians of influence.

It was not until the FBI started to get involved that Fang decided to call it quits and flee back to communist China. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had actually been pursuing someone else at the time, and Fang was discovered in the process.

Fang attended California State University, East Bay and while there, got involved with both the Chinese Student Association and Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA).

These on-campus organizations for Asians were a launching platform for Fang to embed herself within political circles, which she used to gain access to lawmakers, political executives and Chinese consular offices.

“Through a combination of fundraising, charisma and romantic relationships, Fang managed to place herself among Bay Area politicos,” reports the Daily Mail Online.

“Many of Fang’s alleged operations were done under the disguise of APAPA, a group promoting civic affairs for Asian Pacific Islanders … until she emerged as a mainstay in Bay Area politics.”

Trump blew the lid on Chinese influence over American politics, which is why he’s hated

Even after leaving the United States, Fang left behind her work in the form of improved connections between the “Asian American community” and members of American congress, that is until Donald Trump became president.

The moment Trump was inaugurated, communist China knew it had a problem on its hands because the new administration was not keen on the Red empire’s overarching influence over American politics.

Trump has since gone to bat against the Chinese regime, initiating a trade war and calling out political hacks like Joe Biden for committing treason by siding with perhaps our nation’s greatest enemy.

Since Trump came into office, Swalwell and others who had cozied up to Fang have come out in defiance of our president, likely because they could see that he was not about to continue doing business with the Red Dragon as the previous administration had done.

Swalwell now denies that Fang had any influence over him and his campaign, and Gabbard is doing the same, insisting that she does not recall ever even meeting Fang, let alone having any knowledge of Fang helping to fundraise for the Tulsi campaign.

“Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person – whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years – to the FBI,” Swalwell’s office suggested in a statement.

“To protect information that might be classified, he will not participate in your story,” Swalwell’s office added to Axios, which first broke the story.

As for Gabbard, the Hawaiian congresswoman says she has “no recollection of ever meeting or talking” with Fang, nor does she recall Fang “playing a major role at the fundraiser.”

For more related news about Chinese influence over American politics, be sure to check out

Sources for this article include:

by: Ethan Huff

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