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Democrat Leader Caught on Camera: ‘We Will Lie, Cheat & Steal To Win’

Democrat Leader Caught on Camera: ‘We Will Lie, Cheat & Steal To Win’

A Democratic Party leader in Colorado has been exposed on video admitting that Democrats intend to rig the presidential election to beat President Trump.

Kristopher Jacks, a member of the executive committee of the Colorado Democratic Party, was filmed in an undercover sting operation admitting that the 2020 election amounts to a “revolution.” 

In the video, Jacks says lying, cheating, and stealing are all considered “morally acceptable” actions if they help Democrat nominee Joe Biden defeat Trump.

“I am going to do everything ‘morally acceptable’ to win,” Jacks says on camera.

“I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that’s ‘morally acceptable’ in this political environment. Absolutely. We are pirates on a pirate ship,” he goes on.

“I want to make this point very loudly and very clearly.”

“I said it nicely before, but I’ll say it more curtly now: 2020 is a political revolution.” reports: Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe said his investigative organization has been following Jacks for a long time, meeting him initially during the presidential primary race.

Jacks insisted to an undercover Project Veritas journalist that violence by the left can be justified.

“I think the right wing has a monopoly right now on strong, violent rhetoric, and I think they underestimate how many people on the left are organized, trained, armed, and ready to go should they decide to do their s***,” he said. “And I think all it will take is our numbers and a reminder that yeah, there’s a reason you guys feared the communists more than you feared the Nazis.”

The left has an army, he said.

“We’re gonna show up in numbers. We’re gonna show up en mass.”

See the Project Veritas video:

The Project Veritas journalist asked Jacks what he thought about Antifa.

“Antifa’s great, man. I think it’s uh, Charlottesville dude. When you got people marching in the street, running people over and s*** like that, you got people firing guns, trying to provoke s***, yeah even people there that are willing to stand between them and ordinary people.”

He said the violent wing is something “you have to have in your back pocket, man.”

“Martin Luther King wouldn’t have been as successful if it wasn’t for Malcolm X and Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, all of them doing their thing, too,” he said.

Jacks spoke about what might happen if Trump win reelection.

“I’m gonna be in my garage, right next to my gun safe, all night long, on the 3rd, because that is how seriously I take this stuff,” he said.

He said that if tensions escalate to a civil war, the left should call on likeminded military veterans.

“Well, when it comes to civil war, violence type stuff there’s always military guys, like former guys that stand up for the right thing — when that time comes, then we gotta get some of those type people involved,” Jacks said.

He said the left may need to assassinate billionaires.

“If you want to do some Versailles s***. If you want to do some Antifa s***. You really want to change this country that way, with violence, there’s only one way to do it,” he said.

“You gotta get people that are close to billionaires and start just, random billionaires start turning up dead. And nobody knows what the f**** going on. Nobody knows. Nope, I don’t know. They just turned up dead. And just three or four of ’em is all it’s going to take,” said Jacks.

“It’s going to take a strategic hit against the .1% that’s in charge, cause that’s who it is. Killing random Nazis in the street, random f****** bootlickers.”

Jacks said it doesn’t matter which billionaires are targeted, but Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is “at the top of the list.”

He said stabbing is a less effective method, suggesting the French Revolution staple, the guillotine.

“Guillotines motherf*****. That’s all we gotta say. Option A, what I’m proposing. Option two, slicey bois. What are your choices? Which one do you want?” he said.

He explained that “populist uprisings have power because we used to kill people.”

“We used to hang people from gas stations. We used to cut off their heads. We don’t have to actually cut heads. We just have to say that we’re willing to cut off heads. You know what I’m saying? Nobody wants a slicey boi. Nobody wants one of those.”

He warned that moderate Democrats would be targeted along with Republicans.

Joe Biden, however, he believes, would submit to the agenda of the radical left.

“Joe Biden was presumably left-wing, and he’s got a functioning signing hand,” Jacks said. “As long as there’s progressive legislation that comes across his desk, I am confident we can occupy his house. We know where he’ll live, and yeah, he wants to veto Medicare For All. Let him veto it! He’s never leaving that house again without protest.”

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