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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Spalio » 15

Former NYPD Commissioner: Dems ‘Surrendered America’s Cities to Domestic Terrorists’

Former NYPD Commissioner: Dems ‘Surrendered America’s Cities

Former New York City Police Department commissioner Howard Safir has blasted Democrat mayors and city councils for “surrendering” America’s great cities to “domestic terrorists.”

Safir remarks came during an appearance on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily.

“It’s the Democratic cities who have basically ceded their cities to what got called ‘peaceful protesters’ but are really people who are vandals and looters, and in some cases, not only assault people but are murderers,” said Safir.

“You look at Seattle, you look at Minneapolis, you look at Chicago, and places like that where basically they have given their cities to these — what I call — domestic terrorists.”

American cities targeted by far left-wing groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter include Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Seattle.

Safir noted that mainstream news media outlets framed police as suffering from a “pandemic of racism and abuse, which could not be further from the truth.

“The mainstream media has been pushing this false narrative that has been introduced by Antifa, and Black Lives Matter that there’s a pandemic of police racism and abuse, which could not be further from the truth,” Safir remarked.

“They’re just putting out false information.”

Safir said police recrutiment had been damaged by political and media hostility towards law enforcement.

“Oppressive mandates” imposed by local governments on police officers in reaction to left-wing narratives have compromised police efficacy,” he added.

“Kamala Harris — if you look at her record when she was the prosecutor in San Francisco — did not go after [violent] protesters or people who destroyed property. She went after the cops.”


Safir also noted Democrat vice-presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris routinely pushes “anti-police mentality.”

“That’s what’s happening with the messages that are being sent by mayors and governors in these Democratic states, who are more interested in protesters than they are in the good citizens.”

Harris faced backlash in August after warning that Black Lives Matter is “not going to stop” before declaring: “Nor should they.”

“They are not going to stop, they are not going to stop, and nor should they,” the senator told Colbert before warning they will continue to Election Day in November — and beyond.

Safir also noted how minorities have suffered in the hands of violent protests and riots driven by the left.

“If you look at what’s happened in these big cities, who are the victims of this vandalism and of this destruction and [these] assaults?” asked Safir.

“It’s the minority communities who are being very poorly served by these protesters, and if you look at homicides across the country, what about the 5,500 black Americans who have been killed by other black Americans? Those lives matter too.”

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