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Mike Pence gets fake vaccinated on live television to promote warp speed vaccines

Mike Pence gets fake vaccinated on live television to promote warp spe

(Paranormal) On Friday, Vice President Mike Pence along with his wife Karen Pence pretended to receive a Pfizer-BioNTech Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine on live television in an effort to reassure the American public that the jab is “safe and effective.”

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The reason we say pretended is that video footage of the spectacle (see below) depicts a number of inexplicable anomalies, one of them being what appears to be an empty syringe. The masked man holding the empty syringe is also seen with a shaky hand that, right up until the moment of injection, was moving back and forth somewhat violently.

If you look at the footage closely, you will see that the needle appears to go behind Pence’s arm rather than into it, easily penetrating what appears to be nothing but air as the shaky, empty syringe is dispensed. In other words, the whole thing was a total sham.

Had the needle actually gone into Pence’s arm, the shakiness of it as seen in the footage would have laterally ripped his skin, or at the very least caused some kind of visible resistance. Instead, the needle clearly went into nothing within a nanosecond before being immediately retracted.

“You think that as dumb as Pence might be that he would subject himself to an experimental drug? Which is what this is,” asked Gabor Zolna of the Zolna Report. “You think he’d put his wife in jeopardy with an experimental drug? Because I don’t.”

You can watch this full Zolna Report episode at below:

Why is the Trump administration lying to us about “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccines?

It is both perplexing and disturbing to watch Pence and others in the Trump administration hawk these Chinese Virus vaccines day in and day out, especially when frontline workers are passing out live on television just minutes after getting jabbed themselves.

President Donald Trump, whom many believed was anti-vaccine based on past rhetoric, is suddenly ignoring zinc, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and all sorts of other known remedies for the WuFlu, and instead urging his followers and the rest of America to take these experimental mRNA vaccines that have permanent DNA-modifying elements embedded within them.

Anthony Fauci could not be more thrilled, having told the media that he believes Trump himself should get the vaccine as soon as possible, even though Trump already had and recovered from the virus.

“You still want to protect people that are very important to our country,” Fauci told Good Morning America during a recent interview.

Fauci also wants Joe Biden to get vaccinated “as soon as we possibly can” because Fauci wants Biden to be “fully protected as he enters into the presidency in January.”

Trump, meanwhile, indicated in a tweet on Dec. 14 that he will not be personally taking the vaccine until the “appropriate time.” Trump added that people “working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program, unless specifically necessary.”

Elena Gorokhova got it right in stating the following about how the government works:

“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.”

In 2020, especially, were truer words ever spoken?

Winston Churchill also once stated, as is likewise relevant today, that:

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.”

For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination demonstration hoaxes that are being broadcast by the media, be sure to check out

Sources for this article include:

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