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Retired Air Force Gen. McInerney issues calls for military tribunals, martial law after deep state stole election from Trump

Retired Air Force Gen. McInerney issues calls for military tribunals,

(Paranormal) As it has become obvious that the Democrat-aligned deep state unleashed against President Donald Trump by his predecessor, the eternally corrupt Barack Obama, has stolen his reelection, patriots who sacrificed for and served our republic are rising up to save the country. 

(Article by JD Heyes republished from

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a former fighter pilot who served four tours in Vietnam and flew more than 400 combat missions, says the election theft was the result of a cyberattack on America and that as president, Trump should immediately invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law, as President Abraham Lincoln did at the start of the Civil War.

In an interview with Georgia-based talk radio host John Fredericks, McInerney said acts of “treason” have been committed against the U.S. — that what has taken place in stealing the election from President Trump is more than just simple fraud.

“We are not talking about fraudulent voting acts. But what we are talking about John is treason. When you coordinate six to ten states using cyber warfare to change the outcome, these are treasonous acts,” McInerney said. 

“They’re not dirty deeds or fraudulent voting. They’re treasonous acts punishable by death. They are trying to take over our government. When you use cyber warfare as were [sic] as you’ve seen in the Dominion Voting Systems as well as the CIA rogue systems that they’ve used Hammer and Scorecard which we’ve talked about,” he added.

The former three-star general also blasted President Trump’s former cybersecurity chief at the Department of Homeland Security, whom he fired after Election Day for falsely claiming that this year’s elections were the “most secure ever.”

“In addition, you have no FBI or DOJ prior investigation to my knowledge. And finally, the cyber-warfare infrastructure and security agency headed up by a guy by the name of Chris Krebs was saying it was the perfect election. No discrepancies. He’s got to be an idiot. But most of all he’s guilty of treason. And the president fired him,” McInerney said. 

“He is part of the cabal that has created this major attack, this major warfare and it is warfare. It’s hybrid warfare in the 21st century using cyber warfare and other techniques to change a government without a shot being fired. And that’s what is so serious about this,” he added.

Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell and Georgia-based attorney Lin Wood have made similar allegations, saying in their now-infamous “Kraken” lawsuits that the Dominion machines were designed to steal elections and never leave a trace (except forensically).

“Now what I believe the president should do is he should declare today a national emergency and declare a state of emergency using his executive order dated September 12, 2018, declaring a national emergency if there’s foreign influence,” the veteran Air Force pilot continued. 

“Because we know there is Chinese, Russian, and Iranian influence on this election. And he should use that and he should suspend habeas corpus just as Lincoln and FDR did when they met national tragedies in emergencies like this,” he continued.

Describing the election theft as “blatant,” the four-tour vet didn’t mince words.

“We should start arresting them now. This is serious. Let’s not call this fraudulent activity it’s treason, John, in the 21st-century modern hybrid warfare. We must suspend the electoral college and the inauguration on the 20th of January until we get this resolved,” he said.

No doubt that would create chaos in our country — the Marxist left, which threatened to attack cities before the election if Trump won would reemerge and reengage. It would also create the worst constitutional crisis we’ve ever experienced since the Civil War.

But as was the case then, doing nothing is not an option. We do nothing, and we will lose our country — for good.

Patriots should unite behind McInerney. Otherwise, this time will be recorded in history as the moment America ceased to be a constitutional republic.

“This is the last free election we will have,” McInerney said, if we do nothing.

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