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Dominion Voting Systems’ years-long court battle in Georgia reveals flawed software and weak testing

Dominion Voting Systems’ years-long court battle in Georgia reveals fl

(Paranormal) Experts in Georgia have raised questions about the integrity of Dominion Voting Systems’ election infrastructure as early as 2019. Court documents and sworn testimonies revealed that “troubling questions” were raised regarding irregularities in Dominion’s election software. In addition, cybersecurity experts pointed out the system’s unsecure servers that made it vulnerable to outside interference.

(Article by Ramon Tomey republished from

One issue raised regarding Dominion’s systems was that it could not be accurately audited to see if votes were cast as intended. Experts told the court that the system inherently prevented the successful use of risk-limiting audits (RLA), a statistical methodology used to audit election outcomes before they become official.

U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg noted that “the best audit trail is voter-marked paper ballots,” while “voter-verifiable paper records printed by voting machines are not as good.” Georgia’s use of Dominion-provided voting machines prevented a successful RLA because the system “by its nature, erases all direct evidence of voter intent. This then creates a situation where auditors are severely limited and “can only determine whether the voting machine printout was tabulated accurately, not whether the election outcome is correct,” she added.

The district judge wrote in her ruling that a printed record from a voting machine “is not trustworthy” and the application of an RLA to an election that used printouts “does not yield a true risk-limiting audit.” Election security expert J. Alex Halderman noted the same issues in a sworn declaration. He told the court that “if voters do not reliably detect when their paper ballots are wrong, no amount of post-election auditing can detect or correct the problem.”

Unsecured election servers allowed external parties to compromise its system

Aside from the audit issues, experts also raised red flags about Dominion’s unsecured election servers. Nationally recognized cybersecurity expert Harri Hursti found that during Georgia’s August 2020 runoff elections following the June primary, servers at two county election offices he visited “enabled unsafe remote access to the system through a variety of means.”

Hursti outlined to the court these unsafe methods of access – including frequent use of flash drives, frequent access of the internet and use of outside unauthorized applications such as game programs residing on election management and tabulation servers. Such practices “drive a hole” through the essential cybersecurity foundation requirement of maintaining a “hardened” server, the expert remarked. He continued: “Without these basic protections, malware can far more easily penetrate the server and the operative voting system software.”

Even more troubling was Hursti’s discovery that server logs “were not regularly recording or updated in full,” and that “Dominion’s technical staff maintained control over the logs and made deletions in portions of [these].” According to the expert, secure and complete server logs play a key role in system security as they “provide the detailed activity trail necessary for the identification of security threats and server activity.”

Given the irregularities he observed as a cybersecurity expert, Hursti doubted that the system was operating correctly. “When you don’t have an end-to-end chain of the voter’s intent and when a system could be maliciously or unintentionally compromised, there is no capability of auditing the system results,” he commented.

External parties compromised the unsecured servers of Dominion Voting Systems during the 2020 presidential elections

A number of news articles appear to back up Hursti’s claim that external parties have accessed Dominion’s servers and undermined the election. One witness who was a former military intelligence analyst testified that the company’s servers were connected to a number of countries such as China and Iran. The witness testified through an affidavit in support of attorney Sidney Powell’s Nov. 23 “Kraken” election lawsuit filed in Michigan.

The analyst mentioned that foreign entities had connections with Dominion’s network nodes after close scrutiny. Among the connections that had accessed the servers were a network from China’s Hunan province, an IP address from Iran and users from the Serbian capital of Belgrade where Dominion has operations. gives you the latest news about Dominion’s voting machines and their role in compromising the presidential elections.

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