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Situation Update, Dec. 21st – The Pence-Raiklin Maneuver

Situation Update, Dec. 21st – The Pence-Raiklin Maneuver

(Paranormal) In today’s Situation Update for Dec. 21st, we discuss the “Pence-Raiklin Maneuver,” which provides yet another mechanism for Trump to achieve a decisive victory by January 6th, even without any support from SCOTUS or from the U.S. Congress.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

Here are the highlights of today’s podcast (full embed below):

  • Once Bill Barr is gone on Thursday, acting AG or acting Deputy AG can appoint Sidney Powell as special counsel.
  • Why Trump must use the National Emergency Broadcast System to communicate with the American people and bypass the media / Big Tech siege that continues.
  • The Dan Scavino tweets: Lincoln, Churchill, American Bald Eagle. What these symbols mean.
  • Why “martial law = fake news” … because the Insurrection Act is not martial law.
  • Full discussion of Patrick Byrne and his assertion that Trump’s advisors and legal team are backstabbing traitors who are trying to get Trump to concede.
  • Full discussion of the Pence-Raiklin Maneuver and how it leads to a Trump victory with 232 electoral votes (with Biden receiving 227).
  • Sidney Powell’s multiple meetings at the White House and what this likely means.
  • Details of the new filing with SCOTUS by Trump’s legal team over Pennsylvania’s illegal election extensions. How this alone could be a path to victory across all the swing states.
  • Gen. Flynn’s announcement that foreign intelligence officials monitored the election fraud and are willing to share all those details with Trump. We know who this is referring to. Full details in the podcast.
  • How Biden got 13 million impossible votes – “Phantom” voters, zombie voters and more.
  • How Michigan continues to engage in criminal cover-ups to hide the evidence of Dominion voting machine election fraud. These people are going to prison.
  • Sen. Cruz says it’s time to arrest and prosecute all those involved in voter fraud.
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz confirms he will challenge the fraudulent electoral votes on Jan. 6th. Sen-elect Tuberville is also likely to join the coalition against the vote fraud.
  • Biden to receive a fake coronavirus vaccine today.
  • Wicked Fauci says he flew to the North Pole and vaccinated Santa Claus, terrorizing children.
  • US states position experimental vaccines for genocide against Blacks, wielding bioweapons for infertility and death.
  • Sen. Rand Paul rejects fake science surrounding masks.
  • GOP congressman affirms the covid vaccines is more dangerous than covid-19 itself. Says he won’t take the vaccine.
  • Why Democrats are not “fully qualified human beings.”

Hear the full episode here:

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