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The NHS is building vaccination teams by recruiting firefighters, flight attendants, church leaders and the unemployed

The NHS is building vaccination teams by recruiting firefighters

The National Health Services (NHS) are preparing to “do their part” as public health authorities get ready for the most aggressive vaccine campaign in the history of the world. NHS leaders are reaching out to celebrities, “influencers” and church leaders to persuade the population to take the new experimental mRNA inoculations. Members of the royal family, famous actors, actresses and athletes are among some of the “celebrities” who will be recruited to promote the shots.

An NHS staffer said they are looking to get as many people vaccinated as possible. “NHS England [is] looking for famous faces, people who are known and loved. It could be celebrities who are very sensible and have done sensible stuff [those who have followed all the rules] during the pandemic.”

Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, said that celebrities and famous faces will help “people hear the truth.”

NHS building vaccination teams to deploy throughout society

The NHS is also building vaccination teams that will be trained to administer shots throughout society. These vaccination teams will consist of firefighters, flight attendants and people who are now unemployed thanks to the lockdown policies that destroyed people’s lives, jobs and businesses. An internal NHS briefing paper reveals that these recruits will be paid $13.50 an hour to administer the jabs. According to the paper, the campaign will employ “tens of thousands” of extra staff and will use the headline: “Your NHS needs you.”

According to the NHS, front-line health care workers are supposed to get vaccinated first. This profession is being treated as a herd, with no individual rights, no right of self-decision, no informed consent or medical privacy. In March, they were called “heroes” and now that label is being used against them. Now, they will not be referred to as a “hero” if they are “vaccine hesitant” — a term the World Health Organization now uses to declare someone “a public health threat.”

Every other individual in society has already been lumped into a group, and been classified as being either “high risk,” “moderate risk” or “low risk.” This demeaning collectivist approach to making medical decisions lacks human dignity and is a threat to individual rights.

NHS looking to use churches to promote the experimental vaccines

Will your church be a covid-19 government-approved house of worship? The NHS is already scouting for ministers who will push their congregation into getting all their shots. In the end, churches could become houses of vaccine worship, as pastors coax their congregants to submit to false gods in order to live a life of faith. Pastors may soon concur that getting vaccinated is “the Lord’s work” – something that “Jesus would do” to heal the sick. The castration of Christianity will continue as more blind followers are misled and enslaved by a mentality of fear and control.

Because the vaccine is not effective, everyone is required to get two doses at first. Because preliminary studies show that the mRNA cell programming is only viable for two months, health officials are already talking about the need for multiple booster shots down the road, as human cell lines become engineered for dependence. Even the act of augmenting antibodies every two months with the vaccines will continue to give people a false hope of immunity, as the health of their T-cell response, macrophage response, complex microbiome, mucous membranes, nutrient absorption, cellular energy cycles and innate surveillance immune molecules are ignored.

Because 100 percent of vaccine recipients experience symptoms from the shots and 20 percent require hospitalization after the second dose, these shots will inevitably elicit a major wave of health problems that will be a boon for the health care industry. Of course, this uptick in hospitalizations will be blamed on “outbreaks,” giving public health officials the ammo they need to demand mandatory shots for all. By then, almost every aspect of society will be turned into a vaccination plantation, with vaccine teams trained, deployed and positioned to vaccinate people for years to come.

Sources include:

by: Lance D Johnson

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