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Protesters swarm home of Michigan Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson, who ordered deletion of all state election data

Protesters swarm home of Michigan Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson, who or

A treasonous order from Michigan Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson (D) demanding that county officials across her state delete all election-related data from their government computers sparked protests outside of Benson’s home, we have learned.

Patriots reportedly swarmed Benson’s home, screaming from the sidewalk things like “stop the steal!” and “you’re a felon!” Conservative activist Genevieve Peters, who attended the protest, posted live video of what took place to her Facebook page.

In the video, activists can be heard shouting “this is a coup!” and “this is about the integrity of our elections.” Peters herself heard yelling, “we will not stand for a fraudulent election, and neither should you!”

Peters mocked the preposterous notion that Joe Biden, who “campaigned out of his basement,” somehow beat President Donald Trump, whose rallies were attended by tens of thousands of his enthusiastic supporters, despite the presence of an alleged global “pandemic.”

“And you can’t tell me that the guy who campaigned out of his basement got 15 million more votes than Obama!” Peters further added, making an excellent point about the mathematical impossibility of the scenario we are all being told occurred.

Attorney Sidney Powell is hot on the trail of exposing and dealing with election fraud. If you would like to help her, visit her Defending the Republic website.

Treasonous criminals like Jocelyn Benson need to face the heavy hand of justice

Phil Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, has been exposing quite a bit about Benson in recent days, including the fact that she gave the far-left “Rock the Vote” group direct “front door access” to Michigan’s voter rolls.

Rock the Vote was able to procure the social security numbers, addresses, birth dates and even eye color of Michigan voters. It used this information to thwart the election in favor of Biden.

Benson also sent absentee ballot applications to every single household in the state of Michigan without first verifying whether the intended recipients still resided at the same locations, were eligible to vote in 2020, or were even still alive.

“Benson circumvented the explicit intent of the Michigan legislature, which established an absentee ballot process designed to minimize the risk of fraud,” reports explain.

“Benson allegedly violated numerous provisions of this process by sending unsolicited absentee ballot applications to every household in the state. Benson compounded the error by establishing a process for online absentee ballot applications, again without statutory authority.”

The law requires that an actual signature be obtained from all voters, but Benson illegally sidestepped this requirement and flooded her state with absentee ballots, which are inherently less secure than in-person voting.

This was compounded by the fact that numerous other voting “irregularities” occurred in places like Wayne County (Detroit), where numerous signed affidavits reveal that incredible efforts were taken to steal as many of the county’s votes from Trump as possible.

Ballots without names were tabulated for Biden, and signatures on ballots were intentionally not verified, also to favor Biden. Untold thousands of “late” ballots also arrived “unsecured and unsealed,” and these, too, were counted for Biden.

The icing on the cake was Benson’s direct order that all evidence of this fraud be deleted immediately, despite calls for a recount and audit.

“No demonstration; send U.S. Marshals to arrest her,” wrote one commenter at “That is a felony as all records need to be preserved for, I believe, 22 months. On top of that, without records (destruction of evidence) MI must be awarded to President Trump.”

As more news breaks about election fraud, you will find it at

Sources for this article include:

by: Ethan Huff

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