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Atgal Pagrindinis » Autorių straipsniai » 2020 » Rugpjūčio » 25
Seattle Attorney Claims U.S. Sent Him On Time Travels
25.08.2020, 19:19
Seattle Attorney Claims U.S. Sent Him On Time Travels
A lot of people have a hard time trusting lawyers as it is, but what about one who claims he was part of a secret government time travel program when he was a kid?
Skaityk toliau
The Shoemaker Of Silesia: The Case Of Vampire In Slavic Culture
25.08.2020, 19:24
The Shoemaker Of Silesia: The Case Of Vampire In Slavic Culture
The shoemaker of Silesia was one of the alleged vampiric cases that began to manifest themselves into the culture of Central and Eastern Europe and is dated from around the year 15​91. Most of Silesia is relatively flat, although its southern border is generally mountainous
Skaityk toliau
Scientists: Our Civilization Will Collapse In The Coming Decades With
25.08.2020, 19:19
Scientists: Our Civilization Will Collapse In The Coming Decades With A 90% Probability

Researchers have repeatedly warned that if humanity continues its development in an already familiar direction, this will lead to irreversible collapse and civilization in the form in which we know it today may disappear within a few decades

Skaityk toliau
Portland Protesters Cheer After Police Precinct Set Ablaze
25.08.2020, 19:01
Portland Protesters Cheer After Police Precinct Set Ablaze
Activists attempted to torch a police station in another night of violent unrest in Portland on Sunday.
Skaityk toliau
Forecaster Who Predicted 24 of Last 26 Elections Says Media Is Wrong
25.08.2020, 19:01
Forecaster Who Predicted 24 of Last 26 Elections Says Media Is Wrong, Trump Has 91% Chance of Re-election

While the mainstream media is attempting to convince America the November election has already been decided and Joe Biden is set to pick up more than 400 electoral college votes

Skaityk toliau
Pelosi Calls Trump & Republican Allies ‘Enemies of the State’
25.08.2020, 18:23
Pelosi Calls Trump & Republican Allies ‘Enemies of the State’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi caused backlash online after branding President Donald Trump and his Republican allies domestic “enemies of the state”.
Skaityk toliau
NASA Says 3 Inbound Asteroids Were Only Spotted This Month
25.08.2020, 18:34
NASA Says 3 Inbound Asteroids Were Only Spotted This Month

A trio of asteroids measuring over 25 meters in diameter are due to skim by Earth this week.

Skaityk toliau
BLM Tells America: ‘We’re Telling You What Will Happen, With Your Perm
25.08.2020, 18:09
BLM Tells America: ‘We’re Telling You What Will Happen, With Your Permission or NOT’
A Black Lives Matter representative at a Chicago rally has warned that the radical group’s demands will be met, “with your permission or not.”
Skaityk toliau
Pelosi Tells Voters To Ignore Trump
25.08.2020, 18:23
Pelosi Tells Voters To Ignore Trump
Nancy Pelosi sparked a backlash after she called Republicans “domestic enemies” and told voters to ignore Trump in a vicious attack as the GOP convention kicked off.
Skaityk toliau
New Video Footage Reveals Jacob Blake Was Brawling With Cops Before He
25.08.2020, 18:09
New Video Footage Reveals Jacob Blake Was Brawling With Cops Before He Was Shot
New amateur video footage has revealed that Jacob Blake was involved in a brawl with multiple police officers in the moments before he was shot.
Skaityk toliau
BLM Leader Fantasizes About Babies Strangling to Death On Umbilical
25.08.2020, 18:01
BLM Leader Fantasizes About Babies Strangling to Death On Umbilical Cords As Crowd Cheers Her On
A Black Lives Matter leader in Portland whipped a baying crowd into a frenzy while proclaiming that police officers should be hung and electrocuted “like a piece of burnt bacon” and fantasizing about babies being strangled to death with their umbilical cords.
Skaityk toliau
Clinton Says Biden Should Not Concede ‘Under Any Circumstances’
25.08.2020, 17:23
Clinton Says Biden Should Not Concede ‘Under Any Circumstances’
Hillary Clinton has urged Joe Biden not to concede the presidential race if he is trailing Donald Trump on election night.
Skaityk toliau
Kugelis Su Varške - Lietuviškiausias Patiekalas
25.08.2020, 11:58
Kugelis su Varške - lietuviškiausias patiekalas

Kugelis - man pats lietuviškiausias patiekalas. Kiek save pamenu, kugelis buvo dažnai kepamas mūsų namuose. O kai rudenį būdavo bulviakasis ir susirinkdavo ne tik visi šeimos nariai, bet ir kaimynai, močiutė juos vaišindavo pečiuje keptu kugeliu su kiaulės kojomis. Pamenu koks skanus, minkštas jis būdavo...

Skaityk toliau
Gardūs, Sultingi, Skanūs, Mėsa Minkšta - Australiški Šonkauliukai
25.08.2020, 12:07
Gardūs, Sultingi, skanūs, mėsa minkšta - australiški šonkauliukai

Tai tikrai labai skanus receptas, kuris nepaliks abėjingų. Sultingi, skanūs, mėsa minkšta. Stenkitės naudoti tokius šonkauliukus, kur yra daugiau mėsos.

Skaityk toliau
Orkaitėje Keptas Omletas Su Grybais
25.08.2020, 11:58
Orkaitėje keptas omletas su grybais
Taip jau nutiko, kad kepant pyragą atliko kiaušinių tryniai. Nesugalvojau kur juos panaudoti geriau, nė iškepti omletą orkaitėje.
Skaityk toliau
Keptuvėje Keptos Strimėlės
25.08.2020, 10:45
Keptuvėje keptos strimėlės
Pirmiausia strimėlėms žirklėmis nukerpame galvas, nugaros pelekus, uodegas ir prakerpame pilvus. Labai skanu patiekti su bulvių koše bei krienų padažu (į grietinėlę įdedame krienų pagal skonį, druskos ir užviriname). Skanaus!
Skaityk toliau
How COVID-19 is preparing humanity for first contact
25.08.2020, 07:45
How COVID-19 is preparing humanity for first contact

When the first message from an alien intelligence arrives, our experience with COVID-19 could help us plan a suitable response, researchers say.

Skaityk toliau